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AZ Rail Rat
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PROKO-de-REAMO Unread post

Here is one of my specialties:

PORKO-de-REAMO - {Okie Pork Chops}

1 CLOVE/CHOP Regular Garlic
1 TON (or less) Lean to Semi-Lean Pork Chops (Family Pack works well)
1 SLURP/CHOP Worcestershire Sauce
5 SLURPS/CHOP TABASCO® Brand Pepper Sauce
3 DASHES/CHOP Lemon Flavor Mrs. Dash®
Smile 1 BOTTLE MAKER’S MARK® Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey (not 1 bottle per . . . then again?)
1 LITER RC Cola®
1 PINT/12 CHOPS Sour Cream
1 TEASPOON/CHOP Regular (not brown or any other weird flavor) Mustard
1 CAN/12 CHOPS Cream of Mushroom Soup

Work Time: Less than 15 minutes
Cook Time: 4-6 hours
Recovery Time: Indirectly proportional to how much MAKER’S MARK® is left in the bottle after . . . Smile Smile

Step 1 - Pour two splashes each olive oil and Worcestershire sauce in large skillet on MED heat.

Step 2 - Set timer on microwave or stove for 5 minutes.

Step 3 - Go watch TV until timer goes off . . .

. . . (took MAKER’S MARK® to watch TV) . . .
. . . do not hear timer . . .
. . . smell oil burning! yikes yikes yikes

Better yet, just skip to Step 4.

Step 4 - Peel cloves of garlic, one for each chop.

Step 5 - Ignore the black in skillet and place two unseasoned chops in hot oil. Sear each side for ONE MINUTE.

Step 6 - When each side is seared, place in oblong (or round) slow cooker.

Step 7 - Over top of each chop, sprinkle liberal splashes of TABASCO® and Mrs. Dash®

Step 8 - Sear remaining chops and season per Step 7.

Step 9 - Turn off heat under skillet. Mix 4 to 10 shots of MAKER’S MARK® in skillet with juices and garlic. Pour entire mess over chops. Mix the rest of bottle with RC Cola® on ice. Smile Smile Smile Smile

Step 10 - Before you finish too many drinks, mix in separate bowl the sour cream, mustard and mushroom soup. Pour that mess over chops.

Step 11 - [HICUP] - Slok in Cow cooker on sighest hetting (or in 250 deg oven) for 40, eerrrr . . no . . . 4? . . . yes, 4 hours.

Serve at lotpuck or some other - [HICUP] - function where stomach-coating food is also available.
cheers Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile cheers
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The Big Dawg
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I reckon, since I'm not out busting my tail in the field anymore, I've got some time to try a few of these gems you folks are sharing, if only I could get away from this computer long enough. :lol:
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Hey Rat, how do get that registered mark, (R with circle around it)???

Ever have Burnt pork chops and Blackened wild rice??? Well, I have ruined many a fine cuisine while playing on this contraption... :cry: :lol: Even burnt up a $20 pot one time just trying to boil water. :lol: :lol: :lol: :(
a.k.a. Rick

At my age, 'Happy Hour' is a nap...
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The Big Dawg
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I ain't Rat but I can answer your question.
Like this ® or like this ®
Well, I guess ® is only for html applications. The other way is &-#-1-7-4-; without the hyphens. :D
For the copyright symbol you type © that's &-#-1-6-9-; html would be ©
Here's a slew of those codes.
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OK, I tried it and it ain't working... :( What am I missing here??? :oops: OOps, I forgot the ';'. He he he


a.k.a. Rick

At my age, 'Happy Hour' is a nap...
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The Big Dawg
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Yep :!: You got it. :D
All those codes must start with the ampersand and end with a semi-colon.
For number codes you have to follow the ampersand with the pound sign. :wink:
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AZ Rail Rat
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Original post was copied from an MSWord file which had it loaded as a symbol. Hawk came up with the easier way or if you ain't got Word. 8)
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The Big Dawg
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Well, I don't know about easier, if you have Word. It does do the same thing Word does, but in the background. If you were to save the Word file as an HTML you would see the code then.
Word does tend to bloat the HTML code though so it's not a good idea to create a web page in Word.

So what does that last sentence have to do with anything? Well, nothing really. I just got carried away on the keyboard. :lol:
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Re: PROKO-de-REAMO Unread post

Haha I have to try this. Who thought up the recipe forum? :)

EDIT - nevermind haha its obvious
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