Need opinions on new web site

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The Big Dawg
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Need opinions on new web site Unread post

I'm working on a new web site and could use some opinions on which layout and/or color scheme looks better.
I can't decide and any help would be appreciated.

Any links in the pages most likely won't work right so don't pay them any attention. Just comment on the main page. :wink:

Last edited by Hawk on Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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pure al
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Hi Hawk,

Also being a designer/web developer I'm going to be honest so don't take it personally :wink:

Design1- Is too grey, maybe it needs a white background. Don’t make the link blue. The font’s a few points too big, make it smaller and maybe that’ll give you room for photos...

Design2 - Colours don’t quite work, but I see where it’s going. Maybe remove the light blue and try white instead. Don’t make the link blue. Try sticking the banner from design 3 onto this one see what it looks like. Make banner taller but keep ‘North Georgia Dining Reviews’ same size.

Design3 - Good size font, don’t make the link blue. Main copy should start lower, is too high near the top banner. Make ‘North Georgia Dining Reviews’ the lighter blue colour. Make top banner taller but keep ‘North Georgia Dining Reviews’ same size.

Overall Design 3 my favourite so far.

Hope my comments help :D
Grandma Ruth
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I like design 2 - I much prefer the font both style and size and I like the way the title looks. The contrast of background colours is good, though I'm not sure I like those particular colours. You're somewhere in the right range - I think it's the pink I don't like so much, maybe more of a tan.

Of course, I took no notice of your advice not to get inside and I would suggest the background colours should continue on the other pages (maybe this is your intention anyway). Also there was no link to get back to the home page - but as this is a work in progress I presume you will be fixing this later on.

Hope this helps!

Edit: Just looked at them again - maybe try the colours from design number 3 with the style of design number 2.
Last edited by Grandma Ruth on Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Here's a "less than 2c worth" opinion...

1) Better than the other two colour combinations, but is a bit grey on grey.
2) No...sorry doesn't work for me.
3) The "elasticity" is a plus for browsers, but the colour is still a no (like #2), at least for my taste.

You're a brave man tossing this out for raw opinions, as we're unaware of who you're targeting and what your "client" is expecting in the way of design and colour. And meeting the expectations of both client and surfers is always a challenge.

Please post the finished design at the end of this thread once you have it finalized so we can grade our opinions! :wink:
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pure al
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:D So everyone likes different designs!

Make the website brighter (all 3). If you like pink and grey try colours more like this:
Or if just grey like in design 1 try adding white like so:
Get rid of the light blue.

I like the fast responses people give here, if only I had my own forum to ask people for opinions! gl :D
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The Big Dawg
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WOW! You folks sure have got me in a quandary now. :lol:

So far, my wife and 2 emails I got from two other folks all go for the third style.
One thing that you couldn't see in this test is the navigation box on the left will stay in place as you scroll up and down. A good example of this can be seen at this link. 'Course I plan on doing the same thing with the navigation in the third link if I go with that layout.

As for the colors of the second and third links, I agree with Ruth and DJ. I'm probably going to change that, either way I go. I don't much care for the grey either and the 'pink' just don't quit get it for me. I do like the idea of a tan background. Thanks Ruth!

I threw this up here for comments so I could get an idea of what folks like. I'm rather thick skinned so honest appraisals are much appreciated.

I'm actually the one doing the reviews so there is no client. This is going to be my site. I hope to make a little money with it - somehow. :D

I also have another layout I'm going to be working on over the next couple of days, incorporating what is called a 'liquid layout' (you might know what I'm talking about Al . :wink: ). Basically what that technique will do is eliminate the need to scroll horizontally no matter what screen resolution the visitor uses.
What I need to decide on, and that's why I was asking for opinions here, is the color scheme and the basic layout.
Personally I kinda' like the third link, although I will keep the first two in mind (both basically the same other than the color differences) as I work with the 'liquid' design.

I just started working with css about 4 months ago so I'm still a little green behind the gills in that regard (you can probably tell if you were to look at the stylesheet :roll: ), and I'm trying to build the code without using tables, which means the link in this post will need to be re-done.
I'm also working at keeping the code compliant to XHTML 1.0 Strict standards so I've got my work cut out for me.
I know most folks reading this won't be familiar with what I'm talking about but I'm sure Al is. :wink:

Thanks again for the input folks! It's very important to me and greatly appreciated. :D

Edit 1: It seems I was posting at the same time as you Al.
BTW! Please feel free to use this forum if you want to ask folks for opinions of your work, or whatever. Just make yourself at home. :wink:
Last edited by Hawk on Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Big Dawg
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pure al wrote::D So everyone likes different designs!

Make the website brighter (all 3). If you like pink and grey try colours more like this:
Or if just grey like in design 1 try adding white like so:
Get rid of the light blue.

I like the fast responses people give here, if only I had my own forum to ask people for opinions! gl :D
Pink and grey aren't necessarily colors I like and to be honest the pink is supposed to be a pastel maroon. Didn't come out quite right though. :lol:
I'll play with some other colors and see what happens.
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Al, the reason you get fast responses is because we sad sacks have nothing better to do with ourselves! :roll:
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A little bit late to this but here it goes.
Basically I did not like any of them because they do look a bit “boring”. All of them need to be a bit more “flashy”.
#1 – Too dark for my taste. Gives me the impression that something bad is going to happen i.e. no good restaurants to talk about.
#2 – Looks less foreboding and is the best looking one.
#3 – Do like the larger type size which might be of benefit for some older readers.

What would happen if you separate the food part from the establishment part? For instance if I like to get something to eat my choice is based on what I feel like eating and less on in which restaurant I eat it (as long as it is a clean and friendly establishment).
What that means is your pages can have pictures of the type of food that is rated and your overall theme might be where do I get the best “whatever” in the area?
Furthermore, I would be worried that some irate restaurateur might compensate for his offerings of bad food or just being a lousy establishment by choosing to litigate. So I am not certain that this is a activity to engage in unless you have a sponsor with deep pockets.
PS: In the Steakhouses review under Ernie’s Steakhouse there are the same comments as for Miss L’s Sandwich shop.
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You're not too late. I just started this thread this morning. :wink:

As for flashy; I find flashy sites a bit annoying and just don't care for them. I go to web sites for the content, not the pizazz. Consequently I design without the flashy stuff.

Right now the content is irrelevant. I still have a lot of work to do on it. My main concern is the basic layout.

I just started on a new layout. Maybe this one will give you an idea of where I'm going with the layout.
The links on the left will have drop-down menus matching the menu on the right and vice-versa for the menu on the right. That way visitors can search by location, then type of food or type of food, then location (the drop-down menus haven't been built yet).
Again, don't pay any attention to the links. The rest of the pages will come later, as well as more refined content, although I'm not sure I'll be adding pictures but the thought did cross my mind. The only problem I see with that is going into a restaurant with camera in hand and taking pictures while I'm supposed to be clandestine.

I seriously don't see any problem with someone trying to sue me. First of all, once the leeches start digging into my financial records they'll realize I'm not worth the hassle 'cause I don't have anything to sue for.
Second of all, I'm entitled to my opinion and if they don't like it they can improve their quality. :)

BTW! Here's a link to the new layout I'm working on. Bear in mind, this page is still in it's infancy. I just started it about 1/2 hour ago. Still have a lot to do on it.
Last edited by Hawk on Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Grandma Ruth
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That's nice, Hawk. But not the yellow links - they are very disconcerting & practically invisible - why not do them the same as the "Enter" link?
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Yea, I know the yellow links suck. I'll get that fixed in time. :lol:
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The Big Dawg
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Movin' right along. :wink: Updated

On the main page the link to 'Sandwich Shops' works.
Last edited by Hawk on Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Avacado color at the top looks like it is the bottom of a page above.

I like brighter colors with lots of contrast. But, then my eyes don't serve me very well and I need a little help.

I also liked the tab design you had before.
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Avocado? Isn't that like a green? I don't think I used any green, not intentionally anyway. :roll:
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The bar at the top is an ugly green on my computer. IMHO :shock:
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I take it you mean this one.


I think I like this one better, from the link in a couple of posts above.

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The top heading looks like the background is gray and the text a teal (blue) color. The brown is warmer and more appealing to me. Since Atlanta is the city of peaches, perhaps a warm peachy brownish orange color. By the way, when I was in college at UT Knoxville, we would often come to Atlanta for some weekends I can't remember too much about for some reason.
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wsherrick wrote: Since Atlanta is the city of peaches, perhaps a warm peachy brownish orange color.

Now you're getting a little to deep for me. :lol: If it ain't called back, white, red, blue, yellow, brown, or orange I'm lost. That's why I got married - so I wouldn't go out of the house with pink shoes and purple socks. :mrgreen:
I can open Paint Shop Pro and select colors and put the html numbers in but as for giving them a name....
wsherrick wrote: By the way, when I was in college at UT Knoxville, we would often come to Atlanta for some weekends I can't remember too much about for some reason.
There's a few times I've been in Atlanta that I still don't remember. :lol:
Might be best if I don't. :roll:
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OK! For those who ain't tired of this charade yet, here's another update. :D
Last edited by Hawk on Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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