Status 2006/12/18: 1.06 patch

A private forum for those folks working on patches for RRT3.
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Status 2006/12/18: 1.06 patch Unread post

Sorry, job search and Christmas are taking up most of my free time. The real work should start happening in January.
  • I have a few fixes for bulldozed rails, but there's a condition where two rail cells can point to the same piece of rail that's giving me trouble. May have to tackle this problem from the rail-building side rather than the rail-destroying side. Test case: bulldoze rail across more than one territory at once.
  • I've upgraded the patch utility code. Since there will be a lot of different patchlevels floating around until we finish testing, I wanted to make sure none of us end up with corrupted installations. For now, leaning toward using a full installer even for test code, as not everyone here is comfortable using the command shell, but that means fewer test builds and farther apart.
  • I want to get at least an early version of the 'ship at a loss' code out before I leave for the East Coast next weekend. Not sure there'll be time. Next time you hear from me after that will probably be 2007.
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Ran out of time, sorry - first ship-at-a-loss test probably won't be out until January. On the positive side, job search is going well; might be able to wrap that up early next month.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
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Yep, I get the feeling. Busy in many fronts.

Ship at loss sounds great. I have been relatively quiet about this patch, because I don't personally have any vision on how the game should be modded. But there has been great ideas around and I wait eagerly what will happen.
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