1.06 Subproject: Prevent AIs from reusing logos

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1.06 Subproject: Prevent AIs from reusing logos Unread post

Quick question on this one: should random AI companies be able to pick custom logos, or should those be reserved for player companies and for premade AIs?
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The Big Dawg
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I would leave the custom logos for the layers.
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I honestly don't care as long as multiple AIs can't use the same logo.
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Perhaps a bit OT, but since we're speaking about AI behavior, how patchable is that, in general?
One thing that annoys me in longer-term scenarioes is that AI never seem to replace old engines. They should notice when their locos get too old to make money, and should replace them after 15 years.
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Sorry - I'm not tackling any of the AI complaints before I've funneled the function calls into Python, which means 1.07 at the earliest. Creating AIs is bloody difficult even when I'm not trying to reverse-engineer some junior hacker's Microsoft-compiled C++ without the source code.
!hairpull! Bit stressed. The beta's gotta go out next weekend if we want to hit a late-Feb release date, I'm only halfway through the patch list, and neither Bombardiere's team nor most of the testers are reporting in. Dropped the track build radius fix and the rail graphics fixes - couldn't figure out how to do them. Good news is that my new company let me take a month to recuperate from my old one, so I have a bit more time to work on this.
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The Big Dawg
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Don't rush it milo. I'm sure I speak for most others in saying a later, functionig release is better than an on time semi-functioning release. :wink:
I wish I had time to help beta test but I already have my plate full. :lol:
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pure al
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I agree with Hawk, don't stress! I'm sure Bombardiere is very busy working on the locos, hence his long absences from the forum. I'm currently incapacitated (computer dead), although new cargos are no longer on the cards for the patch.

More on topic- I've actually written a few AIs, in a script quite similar to Java. I must have spent a total of 100+ hours figuring out how it all worked, but that was a while ago, and RT3's AI script is probably very different.

Anyway, do what you can, and don’t stress.
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<ghastly grin> You want to know about RT3's AI 'script?' Take a look at the machine language from 404CE0-405913. That's how (I think) the AI decides which two towns to connect. Not where to lay the track, just which two towns to connect. Oh, you may want to have the Bufferin handy...

Thanks for the advice on not stressing, guys, but after Feb my regular schedule goes back to nasty. And you're right about the semi-functioning stuff; that's why the testers need three weeks to play with it, and why I've been putting out early-access alphas of the pieces most likely to have side-effects.
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Sorry! Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's easy, the complete oppsite in fact. I can only imagine the amount of time that would go into figuring it out. Especially since there's no RT3 AI tutorials or user created AI scripts to follow. Like you say though, something to think about for 1.07.
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I agree with Hawk, don't stress! I'm sure Bombardiere is very busy working on the locos, hence his long absences from the forum.
Busy yes, but not with locos. :( Well actually I have implemented most of the changes I want to and I try to gather everything in next couple days. As I am not able to access FTP (no own internet connection), I think that I will send files to Hawk and he can post those.

Milo don't worry about the schedule. It is your project and as you do the work, set our own timetable. P.S. I guess you didn't receive my PM. Most of it is unimportant now, but could you please send me the Loco pack's pre-PDF documentation to me. I want to make some improvements, mainly at the pictures.
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Oh, gosh. I did receive your PM, Bombardiere, and promptly forgot it. Belated E-mail on the way with a 5MB attachment.

And it's OUR project. The testers and the artists' parts aren't any less important than the coder's part. Without you, we don't get shiny new locos, which are the most popular part of these releases (check Hawk's download stats if you don't believe me!). Without the testers, it's too dangerous to release the patch. Without the interpreters, we'll lose the input from Molse and his forum again... Everyone here plays important parts; mine just happen to be upstream from yours and are going the slowest.
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Well... already figured out the beta was going to slip... and ten minutes ago my PC abruptly turned itself off without warning, which probably means its temp controller is on the fritz again. Guess Murphy agrees with you guys on the schedule. :roll:

New Beta release target is Friday 2007/02/16 if I still have a working PC.
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and ten minutes ago my PC abruptly turned itself off without warning
You must be running XP!
A worthless OS if I ever saw one. :x
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How'd you guess? :lol: Actually, it's even worse - I'm running XP64...
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pure al
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Ha, here I am using my Windows 98 pc as my XP is blue screening me. Although OSX isn't smooth sailing either! Does RT3 even support a 64bit windows?
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Seems to work fine, though it's running in 32-bit mode of course.
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