A TSM follow up.

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The Big Dawg
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A TSM follow up. Unread post

I'm sure a conversion utility could be conceived from TSM to whatever RRT3 needs, as long as we don't let it get any further than this forum.

This is a continuation of what I posted in this thread (page 4, post 9).
I figured it best to keep this topic out of the public eye. :wink:
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Might happen after (if?) 1.06 ever gets out the door.

A script for reading PopTop models into Blender... uh... already kinda exists. :oops: Couple of the guys here wanted to get an idea of what was involved in building the existing models. I haven't figured out how to build the script going in the opposite direction, yet, because it appears to involve some fancy polygon-reduction algorithms to generate the lower-detail models.
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The Big Dawg
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I guess I should download Blender and see if I can figure it out.
Let me know if you come up with anything that I can help with using TSM.
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TSM import script for Blender may very well exist out there… somewhere …

It would be helpful if there would be willing contributors for existing models.

And once again thanks Milo. I am banging my head with Blender in trying to figure out how to use. But I am learning … kind of … I really would need Blender light. :roll: There are actually too many features in the Blender.

No urgent need for export program. It will take some time before I have anything to convert to RRT3
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The Big Dawg
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I just downloaded Blender and had a look at it.
Looks like it has a pretty steep learning curve. I may not have the time to learn it. I never have even figured out 3DCanvas. Never had the time to learn it.
It also noticed that I don't have Python installed so I don't know what features will not function because of that.

Anyone ever try Anim8or? Another one I never had time to figure out. :lol:
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pure al
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Well guys I admit I'm only a beginner to Blender, I've only made a few test models previously. For now how about we try and use the RT3 3D models for the buildings, and then later, after the patch is released we can play around with some new 3D models. It should be a simple swap for the temporary ones we'll produce now, so gives us more time. If you get what I mean?

We need a list of buildings to produce, and whoever wants one grabs it, and produces it. Bombar you can have the pottery as it was your idea, although I don't know if it'll make the final few buildings as it doesn't produce any of the main cargos :? Hawk I'm sure whatever help you can give will be very very welcome.

Hawk in your opinion would it be better for us to ignore Blender and focus on TSM? I've never used it, is it free?
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TSM costs about $30.00 so I guess if you're used to Blender it's best to stick with it.
I know TSM because I've been using it for about 6 years and have built quite a few models as well as did some extensive animation for MSTS with it. :D
TSM stands for Train Sim Modeler and it only converts to MSTS format (.s and .sd files). A converter would need to be built to use it for anything else.
Honestly, my time is now being used mostly with trying to get my web site design business up and running and taking care of my first customer so I really don't have the time to learn something like Blender or 3DCanvas (which I have but never got it figured out either. :lol: )
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You have a website design business? I didn't even know that. Do you write HTML, actionscript, MySQL and stuff like that?

Anyway you're doing your bit by providing us with the website and ftp space, so no worries :D

Here's what the ore mine is currently looking like:
Image Again the coal mine is in the background. Do they look different enough? I might try to remove the secondary building (the shed), unless you all agree it's unique enough?

p.s. I can't see anything on the ftp, have you guys cleaned-up?
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I agree lets stay with the Blender. It is complex, but I can live with it. I have learned how reshape and modify existing models. (quite easy now that I know what I am doing) I only need to understand how to add new triangles and possibly copy and paste from other models and merge these to the model. Nad textures…

We could make the list. But as I said at the open forum part, what if we now only add the cargo icons and bring the building etc slowly later. I am too exited about engine possibilities to concentrate on buildings. :?

About TSM. As I said earlier, best possible option would to find TSM convertor for Blender. As Blender is open source it might actually exist.

P.S. I got an interesting email today. A chap from SMRR community was asking about my BR engines models. He is working with new engine models for SMRR, and I suggested possible co-operation. He seems to understand 3D and possible could offer some hints. Especially with exporting files back to RRT3. Well lets see if anything comes out from this.
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bombar-I seriously doubt there's a conversion in existence to convert TSM files to Blender, but I'll look around.
TSM hasn't been supported for about 4 years now and I doubt there will be any more work done on it. A lot of the MSTS community has started using GMax and 3DCanvas, although there's still quite a few excellent modelers still using TSM-mainly because it's so simple yet powerful.

al-of course I write HTML. That's the basic building block of web pages. :wink:
I do write javascript, css, DHTML, and-if a web site needs a database I can add one to MySQL, but as for actionscript--well, I've never cared for sites that use flash. I like simple sites and flash just takes to long to load and never really has impressed me.
I've not had any requests for flash so far so haven't had a need to learn it, although I s'pect the time will come when I'll need to. :wink:
I can also handle the customers domain name registration and web hosting if they so require/desire.
I'm just getting started at building sites for others. Matter of fact I've only had one customer so far. Looking for more. :D
Here's a link to my first customers site, just to show it's different from mine.


I especially like the javascript code used in the galleries. It came out pretty good. :)
This site is a work in progress too. The guy paid me a little extra to agree to keep his site updated for the next 6 months and he's always adding or changing something.
He's keeping me so busy I haven't had time to get my new site built to advertise my services. Eventually it will be located at this address.

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That's actually a lot of stuff you know. About 1 hour ago I was sitting at work trying to figure out how a company's (can't tell you the name or I'll be shot) CMS system works as they want to create a microsite for some stuff I'm not allowed to talk about :D

But don't get me wrong I'm not a website designer, that's just one of the things I'm expected to know where I work :? Let's just call my profession 'advertising' in its broadest sense. I'll be keeping an eye out for when that timer runs out!
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If there's anything i can do to help, tips, advice, code questions, etc. just let me know. No charge. :lol:
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Heh. I have the sneaking suspicion pure al and I work for the same company.
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