Does anyone just get a bunch of AI and play the Stock Market?

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Does anyone just get a bunch of AI and play the Stock Market? Unread post

In order to make the game-play a little more different. I have just started some games without starting a company, but instead i just invest in
the other companies. It really gives you the thrill of playing the markets and being able to decide "who's going to make it and who's going broke".

The first few games I ruined myself financially. !hairpull! Great investors like Warren Buffet make it look easy, but investing is hard.

At least I have better chances of winning big than the lottery! ^**lylgh
Railroading in china has never been so profitable as it is now.
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Re: Does anyone just get a bunch of AI and play the Stock Market? Unread post

Warren Buffet has an advantage over RT3: the companies he invests in are run by 'real intelligence' rather than 'artificial intelligence' - or 'absolute idiots' as some call the AI companies.

I've never tried your strategy of just investing into other AI companies and not building anything. Sounds interesting, but I suspect it would probably end in financial failure more times than success. I can only imagine that the AI companies will fade faster because your company is not helping to build up the economy on the map. And your own company will steadily fade because it is not bringing in any money.

Try this: start off by giving yourself enough money to buy over half of your company's shares (use 'fat cat' to add enough personal money to do this). Then use your company money to buy at least one profitable industry....this will keep your company from fading too fast. Watch the AI companies and invest into one of them, enough to buy over half of their shares. Then takeover that company and try to boost it up with track and industry. Then resign and takeover your old company again. Use your own company's profits to keep buying industry, not forgetting farms. You may find some financial success this way - but it will be slow.
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