PRR Railroad Firefightings

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Lone Cat
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PRR Railroad Firefightings Unread post

This is a 50s documentary called What in Blazes, featuring PRR locomotives.. including an electric locomotive that looks alot like JR ones. the iconic GG1, Alco PA series, and Baldwin Diesels.

As a resutls of transition from Steam to Diesels, so does the complicacies come with new engines. in the steam days, fire accidents occurs due to simpler causes.
1. Fires due to the lacks of proper lubrications (or lubricants turns fuel)
2. Fires due to brakes friction goes wrong
3. Fires due to the accidents occurs in the flamable cargo
4. Fires due to the bad smoking habits of the entire train crew (counts as an accident)
5. Lineside fire due to the fuel sparks

With the electrification .. and later. dieselization. comes the new problems, and the needs of newer solution to fights fire. but the new firefighting techniques are not without criticisms given by viewers.
1. Are these CO2 pipe system a mandatory set by FRA or ICC?
2. Are two 15 pounds CO2 fire extinguishers sufficient to fight fire?
3. As this PRR Firefighting educational film lacks of the asphylliation (?) concerns. is it possible that the asphilliation really occurs? or is it avoidable without wearing gas mask and without leaving the firefighting zones?? the docu doesn't even says anything about gas mask which firefighters must wear. it doesn't even says that the masks are supplied to every cab (and engine crews have to wear ones), the docu did however pointed out that the Mobile Phone did exists by the 50s. (and it used up so much power)
4. Do these firefighting techniques still valid in our days? is there any developments in the railraod firefighting systems?
5. When does a train crew gets firefights training? the intro suggested that the two traincrews didn't join the firefighting trainings yet.


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The Big Dawg
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Re: PRR Railroad Firefightings Unread post

I figured the Railroad History forum might be a better place for this.
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