more engines and skins

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more engines and skins Unread post

hi im new to all of this and didnt even know this site was here, ive been playing this game now (rt3) for a number of years and have downloaded all of the engines,skins,maps even the patches ive read all of the parts of editing and stuff but with me been only young i dont understand it all i just know where to put files even then i have to right them all down and backup all of the original files simply because ive done wrong.
anyway i was wanting to ask if anybody has any more downloads that they will be posting soon i know it takes alot of time to do but the work you do is fab i only wish i could do my own with british engines and stuff i gather you must all cum from the us or atleast most of you and with it all been american rail with a few of europe to but now i have all the skins and that it makes the unedited 1s seem rubish so if any =body would like to share sum they have or uploading soon i would be joyed as this is the only game i play and would love to see more actual companys instead of made up ones,

by the way i love the site it has to be the most helpfull site ive ever been on and thanks to all that have made new engines and skins even the maps as you make my gaming experiance a hole lot better. !$th_u$!

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Yes...I am working on something that will make it really easy for people to make and use company specific rolling stock and locomotives. Currently I am working on a complete set of CNR express cars, which will be followed by CPR express cars. Also have German express cars ready to go, but waiting on the USA set before I can upload all of them.
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Re: more engines and skins Unread post

great i cant wait for them can you load more than 1 set of express cars to the game im using the amtrack set at the moment?
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I've got Holger's German Express cars ready to go, but I am waiting until I finish the CNR set, and WP&P finishes the American set before uploading them. This is going to make changing and customizing rolling stock really easy, and give a lot more variety than there is now.
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And for those of you wondering what Ned means by me finishing the American set, when I've already released a full set of Express cars, you should know that I am making tweaks, some major, some minor.

An example of the major tweaks would be the introduction of full-length enclosed-vestibule heavyweight cars; I've let Ned play with these already so that he can develop his Canadian skins. Also, I'm currently working on a boat-tailed streamlined observation; I just need to model a few more things, including an optional vista-dome.

For minor tweaks, the most obvious thing will be the trucks, as I have worked on getting the right spacing and perhaps a better sideframe. Also, I have adjusted the brightness on some skins, and corrected for mirror-imaging of car sides where possible.

The vista dome is my current holdup - it will take a little while longer, as 3DP file editing is pretty arduous. But the wait, I assure you, will be worth it!
=Winchester, Paston & Portsmouth=
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Re: more engines and skins Unread post

i can wait for a life time its allways gona be excellent work thats all everybody does on here a wish a could add sumit my self but am just a learner ^**lylgh
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The way I am packaging the Trainmaster Express car sets, it will be really easy to do your own customizing, and up to the level you are comfortable with. I'm also going to be putting together a modding kit with instructions, but that will come later.

I just posted some screen shots of one of the CNR cars in another forum. The new version of the Trainmaster passenger cars has 12 eras so that different car sets can have different beginning and end years. So it will allow for a lot of potential variety. So far I have 9 different CN skins, and two left to do for the whole set. This will have the Atlantic & St. Lawrence until 1845, the Grand Trunk until 1920, then CN evolving to Via Rail in 1970.
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Re: more engines and skins Unread post

will i have to replace the amtrack set i have now or can i use multiple passenger skins i feel a lot more would be better then using just 1 for the whole game
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While Ned's packaging of "modules" will make it fairly easy to replace the set of cars with whatever set you'd prefer, you will still be stuck with just one set at a time. The way the game is set up, if you've got the VIA passenger cars loaded, they'll apply to every scenario and every player as long as they are loaded. There's no way in the game for you to select among alternative skins. Basically, you'll play with the Amtrak cars for as long as you want, then if you feel like it you'll swap out for the VIA set, by moving PK4 files around. Then, later on, maybe you'll trade the VIA out for a German set. But you can't do this swapping from within the game; you'll have to manually move the files.
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Yes, that is true, but at the same time, this module set will make it easier to make just skins for a particular scenario. This way, it will be possible to make a new skin, or complete carriage for a particular railroad for a particular period of time, and easily insert it with the game. The skills ability will be simply that the user be able to move files around on their computer. I did say that this was the "expert" edition. :)
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Re: more engines and skins Unread post

ill save them all to my 3rd hard drive then if i want to change them i can do it whenever i please thanks for all your help al log on again ina few days to see if there is any new things to download !$th_u$! !*th_up*!
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