Editor Crashes under Windows XP

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Editor Crashes under Windows XP Unread post

I build new scenarios or revise existing ones from time to time using the Editor. I am using Windows XP (no Vista for me) and Version 1.06. The Editor crashes periodically --- really crashes, shutting off my computer completely. I have no other Windows XP problems, no other program crashes, and no virus problems. I have also reinstalled RTIII, Coast-to-Coast and Version 1.06 completely to see if this would solve the problem --- it didn't.

Is anybody else having this problem? If so, what did you do about it? If not, can you think of any idea why this is occurring?

Thanks in advance for any replies.
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Just out of curiosity, after you installed the Coast to Coast Expansion, and before you installed the 1.06 patch, did you install the official 1.05 patch? I believe the 1.05 patch is required before installing the 1.06 patch.
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It is a ways back since I did this, but I think I followed the instructions exactly. If nobody else is having the problem, the first obvious thing to do is to uninstall everything again. Then I would reinstall RTIII, Coast-to-Coast, Version 1.06 in that order --- correct?

Right now the key question is whether this problem is unique to me.
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You need to install the 1.05 patch after the Coast to Coast Expansion (the C to C is version 1.04) and before the 1.06 patch.
As I said, I'm pretty sure the 1.05 patch is required before installing the 1.06 patch.
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Don't forget 1.05 patch before 1.06.

I don't think the problem is unique to your per se, maybe on XP, but it is the problem many people were faced with if they had Win98 or ME. 1.06 would crash in editor for no apparent reason.

But do check your debug file in the log folder under data. It may offer some clues.

Another thing is that the game will crash at different points for different reasons, and then just because it doesn't like you for any reason. It is important to note exactly when the game crashed, and what you were doing. This information can go a long way to figuring out the cause.

The less information your provide, the more likely you will receive an answer stating reboot-reinstall-redo.

And on another note regrding Vista.....when Windows 3.0 came out, all the DOS-heads said they would never use it. MS gave them 3.1, they still weren't happy, so they got 3.11, finally they latched on. Then when Win95 was coming out, the DOS-heads said they would never switch, but eventually they did and then they got 98 and 98 SE. Then they said they would never switch to ME, so NT was thrust upon them. Then they said they would never switch to XP, but they eventually did, now they are saying they won't switch to Vista, they're gonna wait for Windows 7.

So the moral of the story is that since the PC came home, people refusing to upgrade are the standard in the industry. I'm always the type to say that if something is working, don't screw with it, but at the same time, technology will move on and leave others in the dust.

As far as Vista, I've had it for a while and it isn't causing me any problems whatsoever. Everything works, except 1.06, but then again, 1.06 has other problems so....

Note to Hawk, if I remember correctly, 1.06 won't patch unless it is already 1.05
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OK, I checked this out while awaiting your reply --- and also downloaded them all.

But this still doesn't answer my question. Is this problem unique to me?
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Sorry, nedfrumpkin, our messages crossed. Thanks for the information.

I think I installed everything in the correct order last time, including 1.05, but it is over a year ago, so I cannot be certain. As far as the log files, I checked both of them. They are undated and totally meaningless to me.

It sounds like reinstallation is the only answer, but I am not optimistic.
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As I said, without knowing the circumstances around your crashes, can't offer any more information. I can generally get my game into crash mode on a very frequent basis, and I've gotten really good about figuring out the causes.
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nedfumpkin wrote:Note to Hawk, if I remember correctly, 1.06 won't patch unless it is already 1.05
I seem to remember that as well now, but it's been a while so I wasn't sure.

Larry - maybe you could attach the error log to your next post.
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OK. Hopefully I attached the error log properly. I have never done this before.
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For good measure, here is the other file in the data folder also.
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the language debug is a list of the errors in that file. Mostly typos that were never corrected. It's not the cause of your problems since there aren't any new error messages.

I'm not sure what caused your crash from the other debug, and I am wondering if it is from your crash, or a game scenario you loaded. Check the date. The good news is it doesn't appear that you're missing any files. But knowing what you were doing when it crashed, and whether it can be replicated would be helpful.

And this was in editor? I haven't had the problem, but I save often, and I save backups along the way. You should too I hope.
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I think I will drop this for now. When I get around to it, I will reload all the software and maybe design a different scenario other than the one I have been working on forever.

Right now I am replaying Eastern China, which is in my opinion the best scenario in the game other then Coast-to-Coast.

I save all the time, I am just tired of restarting all the time. Anyhow, thanks for all the help.

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Bad drivers for your video card and/or sound card is also a problem that can lead to crashes. When was the last time you updated those drivers?
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Re: Editor Crashes under Windows XP Unread post

KevinL, you may be right. But since I am having no other Windows XP problems of any kind with any other program, I do not want to mess around with the operating system. ("Not broke, don't fix it" theory.) Thanks.
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