Need Help, 'Korea Revival 1955'

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Need Help, 'Korea Revival 1955' Unread post

Hi! I'm in the middle with my first map. 'Korea Revival 1955'

In progress, I'm Almost done with setting cities and rivers.
Also I had already set up industry.
But I have no idea on event and other stuffs. :-(
Since I don't have any good experiences on making and playing maps.
So, I decided to find some advisement on here. :-)
(Sorry for inarticulate words, I still getting used to it.)

1. Which time length is recommend? 20 years or 30 years?
On this map two Major Goal should be done, 'reconstruct destroyed rails and spread railroad to major citys', 'Creating New Industry(Steel, Chemical)'
I want to make sure these goal can be done in time. (the actual Prosperous time of Korean Rails is 1970s.)

2. Lots of Mountains and River, expensive Rails?
In 1955, It's just after the Korean War which had been rampaged all houses and buildings (including Rails.)So I guessed the rails are expensive than normal.
But the problem is Terrains. They are not flat, mostly mountainous and perilous. And Plains are covered with river. mountains means Tunnel, River means Bridge. and they are indeed very expensive. :-? So I expected that it will be difficult to set rails (because of high cost).
Any Suggestions?

3. Trains.
I am also concerning about trains. 'Adding the Original Trains' or 'Find the Alternatives'
Actually, Create new Trains will be difficult for me, So maybe Alternatives?
Here are the List:

4. How can I add chemical plant in the middle of the game?
It's kind of Technical Problems though,, In 1962, Ulsan Industry Complex(including Chemical) had been constructed.
So I want to make sure that effect by adding some 'ChemicalPlant' in Ulsan.
How can I do this?

5. Gold conditions, 'on industry profit?' or 'Cargo Haulage?"
Gold conditions should be related with Heavy Industry like Pohang Steel Industry(POSCO) and Ulsan Chemical Complex.
So I suggested on two way, 'calcuating on all indsutry profit', 'Count on Haulge of Steel (or Good, Auto everything relating with Steel.)'
Which one is better?

If you need it, used it. (v 1.06)
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Red Circle means Five Major Port.
Red Circle means Five Major Port.
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Re: Need Help, 'Korea Revival 1955' Unread post

Chocolate_Spilter wrote:. Which time length is recommend? 20 years or 30 years?
The best answer I can give is that it varies on the size and goals of the map. The longer the length, the more the player can expand so it would need to be a larger map. I don't know what size map you have so I can't really say. After you do some play testing of your map you'll get a general idea of how much time you'll want it to be and how long it would take to accomplish your goals.
Chocolate_Spilter wrote:2. Lots of Mountains and River, expensive Rails?
You can use an event to lower the cost of tracks in an territory if you wanted to just reduce the cost. But you may want to keep the cost higher to make the player have to adapt to high track costs. Although if they are too rocky and mountainous, the trains may go too slow and the player may get annoyed. Sometimes people carve out a "path" in the mountains that is a little less steep and the player can build on that path.
Chocolate_Spilter wrote:3. Trains.
I can't really comment too much on this. But the easiest thing to do is to just use the trains that are available rather than designing your own, then requiring the player to have to download that train and "install" it before being able to play your map.
Chocolate_Spilter wrote:4. How can I add chemical plant in the middle of the game?
You can use an event that will trigger at a certain time and have the effect be adding and industry. If I remember correctly, not all the industries are available but most are so you'd add a chemical plant by event at X, Y coordinates on the map. If there is anything in that X, Y, region the industry may not place so the best thing to do is to find an X, Y coordinate a little outside of the city so the industry will actually be placed.
Chocolate_Spilter wrote:5. Gold conditions, 'on industry profit?' or 'Cargo Haulage?"
You can have multiple victory conditions like Company Industry Profits > 3 million, and Company Steel Hauled > 200. If you wanted to do everything in the chain of steel production, (steel + autos + goods) (or is it also iron + coal + steel + autos + goods) ... either way if you are making the map in 1.06 or TM you can use variables to track these.
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Re: Need Help, 'Korea Revival 1955' Unread post

I see.. Thanks, Blackhawk. :-D

Anyway If Anyone can tell me the event to adding new industry in the middle of the game? I want to know it more precisely.
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Re: Need Help, 'Korea Revival 1955' Unread post

Chocolate_Spilter wrote:If Anyone can tell me the event to adding new industry in the middle of the game? I want to know it more precisely.
Here it is step by step;

1. In the game editor mode, find the city boundary for Ulsan (touch the cursor to the blue city center icon and the green city area will appear). Follow Blackhawk's advice and locate the chemical plants just outside the city boundary. The reason is because if there are city buildings in the spot where you want the chemical plants to appear, they will be blocked and not appear.

Move your cursor to the center of the spot where you want the chemical plants to appear and write down the coordinate numbers shown in the upper right corner of the map view.

Let's say the coordinates were 50, 100 for example. This means the X coord is 50 and the Y coord is 100.

There is another, more complicated way to make sure an area in a city (or the countryside) is clear of buildings which I will explain in another post.

2. Now click on the Control Panel icon and then 'Events'. Click on "New Event" and give it a short title. This starts a scripted event.

3. Creat the condition or trigger for the event first.
Click on "Add Trigger Condition". This brings up a selection panel as shown below. Click on this image to enlarge it.
Select a condition statement which says "Game Year Month (YYYYMM)"
Set it at ">=" (all dates should be set at >= just in case the player is laying track or buying trains. This allows the date to trigger later on after the player returns to normal play.)
Enter the date, year first then month number. In the image, the date is for May, 1962. You set the date for when you want the chemical plants to appear.
Click 'OK' and the event appears in the condition list.

4. Set the timing to "Beginning of Month" as shown. Leave the "One time only event' checked.

5. The 'Dialog' button is checked in this example. You could change this to newspaper, or add a message to player in the dialog box.

6. Click on the "Effects" tab. Then click on "Add Effect". This brings up another selection panel as shown below.
Scroll down to find "Add Chemical Plant"
Enter the number of chemical plants you want to appear in 1962. '2' are shown
Enter the X coordinate (50 in this example)
Enter the Y coordinate (100 in this example)
Enter the radius of the circle area you want the chemical plants to appear in. The smallest radius possible is 5 pixels. A chemical plant will take about 2 pixels. For reference, a city boundary is about 20 pixels wide. The example shows '7' as a radius and this is fairly large area for 2 chemical plants to appear. 5 should be enough for 2 chemical plants. If you want to place several chemical plants, you will need to test this on a trial map to find the right radius.
Click OK
7. That's it. Your event is complete. 2 chemical plants will appear on May 1, 1962 within an area which has a center of 50,100 coordinate and 7 pixel radius.
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Re: Need Help, 'Korea Revival 1955' Unread post

There is a way to clear an area of buildings before placing a new building by event. It requires a small, hidden territory.

1. Paint a territory within a city or in the spot where you want a new building to appear by event. Remember that an event uses a circular area to place a building with the smallest circle being 5 pixels in radius.
Paint the territory wider than the size or footprint of the new building. A steel mill has a footprint of about 5 pixels, so paint a territory of at least 10, for example.

2. Write down the X and Y coordinates of the center of the territory.

3. Hide the territory. Uncheck that the border is visible and 'remap' the territory into the surrounding territory.

4. Use an event to clear away any game placed buildings out of the territory before placing the new building into the territory. For example, use a date event set to May, 1962 (196205) as the condition. Timing at beginning of the month.
In the effects, select "Set destory ALL to true'.
This is important: Click on 'to territories' button. Select the small, hidden territory name from the drop down list.
The territory will be cleared of all buildings on May 1, 1962.

5. Use another event to add new buildings to the territory.
Follow the example in the earlier post for setting the condition and the effects. Use the coordinates in step 2 above.
Make sure this event is BELOW the destruction event in the event list. (The game activates events in the order they appear in the event list.)

That's it. On May 1, 1962 all buldings in the small, hidden territory will mysteriously vanish and then just as mysteriously, a new building will appear.
There are possible drawbacks. If industry and houses in a city are destroyed, the economy of the city will drop - which means less demand for cargo from your trains. The city will grow back, but it will take time.
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