restricting AI cargo types?

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restricting AI cargo types? Unread post

well ive never really done much in terms of making my own scenarios, but im thinking of giving it a bit of a go soon,

something i was just wondering, probably a bit of a newbie question lol;
is it possible to restrict what type of cargo can be hauled by certain AI companies?

What i want to do is make it so AI company X is only able to haul express cargo, and another AI company Y, can only haul freight,
whilst company Z can whole both freight and express like normal,

is this possible?

Thanks, :)
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Re: restricting AI cargo types? Unread post

Sorry but I don't think it is, unless you arrange the map so that the AI only has access to whatever cargo you want it to haul and then change the price and production of that cargo so that it will always remain profitable.
However, remember that the AI can be pretty stupid at times, so you'll have to plan it pretty carefully.
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Re: restricting AI cargo types? Unread post

When I first saw this message, I didn't think there was a way...but you gave me an idea Ed....use an event at start up to put prices to the cargos you want restricted to -200%, but make the effect apply only to AI companies...then they won't be able to make money hauling it.
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Re: restricting AI cargo types? Unread post

thanks for that guys,
im gonna try and give it a go soon

another thing,
is it at all possible to change the amount that companies get charged for using another companies track in a scenario?

What i was planning was having a company that only owned track/stations/infrastructure, but didnt run any trains,
however hopefully, i would like to make it so that it is cheaper than normal for other companies, ie the players and AI to use this companys track than normal,
whilst retaining the normal track costs for using any other foreign companies track....

If this is possible it be awesome, if its not im still happy lol

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Re: restricting AI cargo types? Unread post

The way that works is that the company gets the prorated value of the cargo for the amount of track it is travelled on. So if all of the track is foreign, you get nothing. So I can't think of a way.
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Re: restricting AI cargo types? Unread post

ok, well thanks anyway :)
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Re: restricting AI cargo types? Unread post

Actually, I'm not sure that will work. I think once you start changing cargo pricing you change it for the whole game. Please let us know what you find - I'd love to be wrong. :-)
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