Logo/Portraits/Scenario Question

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Logo/Portraits/Scenario Question Unread post

I recently downloaded the Trans-Siberian from the Map Index page, and put the Pk4 files in User Extra Content where they are supposed to go. But there appears to be some sort of problem.

When I load in the Trans-Siberian game, the four railroad logos appear assigned to the companies where they are supposed to be. However, when I tried to access those logos in an Iron Czar version of the game, I could only get two of the four to come up in the option cycle---the Ussarian and Chinese logos. The yellow Trans-Siberian and the Japanese flag just won't come up as options, no matter how many times I go through the cycles.

Also, the new PlayerPortrait (Litvinov or something like that) doesn't come up in either game and does not appear in the list of available players in the editor.

Anything I can do to fix the above?

Also, regarding the logos, can I delete some of the original logos as supplied by the game without screwing up things? I am especially thinking of the flying pig. But since I can't find the original logos in any of the data files, I have a suspicion that they are instead on the disc itself and thus cannot be changed.

Same with the original portraits---can't find them in a file anywhere so I don't know where they are.

Thanks in advance.
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Which patchlevel of the game are you running?

Can't remove original logos or portraits individually; each group is stored together as a single file in the rt3_2dds.pk4 archive. Best you might be able to do is remove an individual definition from an .IMB file; for some reason I have a bad feeling about doing that.
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I am running Coast to Coast 1.05 with all the updates, logo and loco packs, and most of the other extras---everything short of the new 1.06 which I am a little leery about until I'm sure all the bugs are out (although I do like some of the features as mentioned in the read me/text).
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Re: Logo/Portraits/Scenario Question Unread post

There is an upper limit to the number of logos you can have at one time, 100 I think - including the logos that come with the game.
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