Patch hasn't really done anything

Questions and comments specific to Version 1.06

Patch hasn't really done anything Unread post

Hey...I have a little problem with RRT3 and I'm hoping someone here can help me :)

I downloaded the game today and installed the Coast to Coast expansion. When I enter the game, it says Coast to Coast and I *think* I noticed some things in the menu/settings department, but other than that, I couldn't see anything new :S

After that, I installed the 1.05 patch (I think? not sure if I did it right :P ) and then the 1.06 patch.
So when I launch the game now it says Version 1.06, but...I see hardly any difference. The only changes I've noticed after installing all 3 things are that there seems to be some new trains, there's a "Customs House" (or something) building, and the area value colors (green for high demand, red for low demand thingy) seems a bit different.

So..I don't really get it :S I'm not seeing any new resources, buildings, maps etc...and I tried to install some new buildings like Casino and Junkyard thingy, but they didn't show up either...the only thing I seem to have managed to get to work propperly is new company logo's :P

Anyways, anyone know what's up?
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Patch hasn't really done anything Unread post

When you say you downloaded the game, where did you download it from?
What Operating System are you running?

Re: Patch hasn't really done anything Unread post

Well I downloaded the game on rapidshare. I've also bought a version on Steam, but when I tinker with the files it's much easier to do it with a cracked version so I can just delete and start over again if something goes horribly wrong ;)

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate (so I can run the game in XP etc...but it doesn't help).
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The Steam version is a bit of a bear to work with due to it's proprietary file/exe set up. Add Win 7 into the mix and it makes things even more interesting, although I'm not sure how the XP set up in Win 7 works.
As for the one you downloaded from RapidShare, that's most likely a pirated version, which is frowned on around these parts.

Re: Patch hasn't really done anything Unread post

Yeah the downloaded version is ripped, but ofc with all the original files etc so it shouldn't be any different from the normal game. And like I said, I HAVE bought the game on steam too, so I own the game, but when I try to patch + add things, I find it way safer to download a cracked version and test it on there. suggestions to what could be wrong?
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Re: Patch hasn't really done anything Unread post

The Coast to Coast expansion includes new scenarios that show up in the selection list with the text in a blue tint. Other than some new locos the official patches offer fixes to problems with the game.
As for the 1.06 patch you should read the documentation as to what changes are applied with it.
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Re: Patch hasn't really done anything Unread post

I've slept since then, but did not 1.06 bring in skinning?
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Re: Patch hasn't really done anything Unread post

I don't believe it stated in your posts how exactly you were checking to see if any changes occurred. Are you just playing a scenario that came with the original game to see if any changes took effect or are you in the game editor? or did you download a 1.6 map with the new cargos and industries being utilized in it?
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Re: Patch hasn't really done anything Unread post

1.06 isn't a real patch per se, it is a mod. Skinning came with the 1.04 patch which is CTC.

1.06 adds some 10 new cargos and some industries including some new municipal buildings. Locos are also added, but those are what are available for download separately.

Other changes to 1.06 are in the exe file and the way certain things happen such as the ability to build or buy some non industry stuff, as well as some things to the event editor.

<spam>Now Trainmaster on the other hand is a super mod because it incorporates a number of 1.06 features, but the entire cargo chain and industry base has been it is much better. Trainmaster also is designed to be modular so a lot of customizing can be done. </spam> :lol:
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Re: Patch hasn't really done anything Unread post

I've been marginally involved in both 1.06 and Trainmaster and I would like to think they're both moving along a natural progression to a better game. But not really patches as such. Even 1.06, flawed though it may be, is significantly different from the original. I have got 5 different versions of RT3 installed on my computer and - when I get chance - play the different versions for their own different features.

Re: Patch hasn't really done anything Unread post

Ok well here's the thing.

I've installed all the patches and upgrades I could find on this site (coast to coast, 1.5 and 1.6) but the noticable changes are minimal.

I'm almost 100% sure I see no new maps. I only see 1 new building, but I might see some new trains.
I tried downloading Casino and Junkyard and some other things, but none of them worked.

It's really frustrating because I love the game and I really want the new content everyone here has made.

Btw, another thing is when I download new maps, the computer players never work - they don't build companies or anything :(((
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Patch hasn't really done anything Unread post

If you installed the Coast to Coast Expansion you should see some new maps. They're shown in a light blue text, as seen in this screen-shot.
Click on image to view full size
Click on image to view full size
The 1.05 and 1.06 Patches didn't include any new maps with the installations.
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