Re-Install Question

Questions and comments specific to Version 1.06
Ann Arbor Fred
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Re-Install Question Unread post

I am running W7-32

I had to rebuild my hard drive which lead to a re-install of RRT3.

It ran great prior to my rebuild/re-install, but now it is giving me fits.

Anyway, here's the real question: When I re-install, I get asked if I want to install DirectX 8.1. I thought I read somewhere that W7 includes DirectX 11 (or so). I have tried installing both ways. Any one have opinions about what I should do about the DirectX software?
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The Big Dawg
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DirectX is set up so that if you have a newer version installed on your hard drive than what a particular program requires, even if you tell it to install the older version it won't.

DirectX will update itself to a new version but it won't backdate itself to an older version.

To determine which version is on your computer, do this (from this link - ... r-computer ):
To check which version of DirectX is on your computer

Open DirectX Diagnostic Tool by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, typing dxdiag in the search box, and then pressing Enter.

Click the System tab, and then, under System Information, check the DirectX version number.
Ann Arbor Fred
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Thank you, Hawk. Now that I've checked (and thanks for the answer al;so), I guess I need to figure out why I suddenly can't get a running RRT3. Well, back to work...
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The Big Dawg
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Did you install RT3 in the default directory: Program Files (86)? If so, that's not a good idea. It's best to install outside of the Program Files (86) directory. Some place on your C drive.

The reason being is that Microsoft decided, in their infinite wisdom and incessant desire to protect you, that files in the Program Files directories Program Files and Program Files (86) can not be written to. In other words, you can't edit them, which you need to do to patch RT3 to later versions.

That may not be your problem right now, but it is something to keep in mind.

Have you read over these topics?

Running RT3 on Win 7: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2302

Multiple Installs of RT3: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2363

RT3 1.05 and 1.06 Vista Fix: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2131 (also works with Win 7)
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Re: Re-Install Question Unread post

I think it was a somewhat recent decision (within the past couple years) with the DirectX software to no longer install itself no matter what version you had. Before that, if I remember correctly you could install any version even if there was a newer version installed, which would then mess up that other program that needed the newer version of DirectX.

When you say it's not working, is it not even loading or is it giving an error message? Hopefully one of Hawk's tips help you out.
Ann Arbor Fred
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My disks came from SoldOut.

I have installed from disk (V1.0), patched, did the c2c and it ran ONCE. Next time I tried, both before and after doing 1.05 the CD spins for a while, then stops. At this point I'm still at desk-top. My cursor has changed to the spinning disk with spike. The only way I can clear the latter is to reboot. If nothing else, sure gives me a good excuse to go have a beer and think about it.

Like I said in the first post, this was all running fine w/ W7 before I rebuilt the world.

I don't have the Vista fix, but do have 1.05 (on the CD) and 1.06 (from this web site). I also have C2C from here.
Ann Arbor Fred
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Oh, yeah. I have been installing to c:\RRT3, not the "program" ones.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Re-Install Question Unread post

If your cd is version 1.05, then there's one of two possibilities. It either already has the C to C expansion included on it, which is technically version 1.04, or if it doesn't, and you add the C to C, you are overwriting the 1.05 version with an earlier version - 1.04.

One way to tell if you already have the C to C expansion installed from the cd is to look at the map selection list and see if a map named Coast to Coast is there. If it is, you already have the C to C expansion installed.
If it's not there, you will need to install the C to C, then install the 1.05 patch again.

Another way to tell whether or not you have C to C installed is to look for map names in the selection list that have a slight blue tint to them, like the East of Mississippi and Eastern China maps, as well as the Coast to Coast map. They are installed with the C to C Expansion.
CtoC.jpg (10.29 KiB) Viewed 5347 times
Also, if you want the 1.06 patch, you really should read the topic about multiple installs. Maps made in V-1.05 will ot play as intended in 1.06 and 1.06 maps will not even show up in the 1.05 install selection list.
You will also need a separate install if you want to run Trainmaster.

Oh yea! One more thing. You have a PM. ;-)

Re: Re-Install Question Unread post

Hello Hawk,

I have a problem with RT3. I have installed Windows 7 64 bit. I have now, after I had installed the original CDs of the patch downloaded and installed RT3 1:05. Then Vista Fix 1:05 and 1:06 by Hawk page. Then I downloaded and installed the patch 1:06.

Now the game begins. If I chose a scenario comes the video and then takes the game to the database. Immediately crashed the program and stops. On the desktop, then the error message = data package - element "CarSideView_3.img" not found.

Now, where is the problem and how do I get the game to run?

Thanks for your help.

Greetings Mike
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The Big Dawg
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Fazermike wrote:Now the game begins. If I chose a scenario comes the video and then takes the game to the database. Immediately crashed the program and stops. On the desktop, then the error message = data package - element "CarSideView_3.img" not found.
That error message most likely means you didn't install the 1.04 patch (Coast to Coast Expansion).
It needs to be instaled before installing the 1.05 patch.

Also, you might want to read this topic about multiple installs before installing the 1.06 patch.
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