RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas

Questions and comments specific to Version 1.06
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The Big Dawg
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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

Here's a partial quote from a post I made earlier this year.
Hawk wrote:I did contact Phil Steinmeyer once and invited him to the forums when some of the members were working on 1.06, but he said he no longer had any interest in the game, having moved on to other things. You can check out his website at http://www.philsteinmeyer.com/

There are two of the development team members that are members of the forum here: Franz Felsl (Gungagalunga) & Guillermo J. Garcia-Sampedro (GranBichus), but they haven't logged in since March of 2009. I believe Franz now works for Area 52 Games and Guillermo now works for Soar Technology.
Guillermo also talks a little bit about the game and a little insight in this thread.


It probably wouldn't do any good to try and contact these guys, but you can try. I won't give out email addresses, but I can forward something to them, if they even still have the same email addresses.
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Re: RT3 V1.07 Patch ideas Unread post

So long as you don't give us the .EXE file you should legally be able to make a patcher if you decided to decompile it to find the code. Basically give us everything we need to patch the .EXE to 1.07 without giving us the .EXE file. Just make sure you can't reverse engineer the patcher to get the .EXE file without having one.
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