Great Southern RR crash

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Great Southern RR crash Unread post

Whenever I save Great Southern RR (either manually or automatically) it crashes back to the desktop. Even trying to save immediately after starting the game.

I have not tried going past the first year (by turning off auto save).

Anyone have any ideas of what I have wrong?

RRTIII v 1.06
XP-Pro sp3

thanks - Groundhog
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Doubt if its anything you do - there's one or two scenarios where this happens and I suspect this is one of them.
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Re: Great Southern RR crash Unread post

I sometimes crash a game. Usually when I'm too quick buying locomotives.
This has been happening for a long time.
I slow down my moves and all works well and I save often.
I have too much running in the background.
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**!!!** I have tested the map once again, started in 1865 in Chicago, building a line to Michigan City via Gary with 3 AI's. I played until 1870 and had no crash to desktop or any other errors! Someone may wonder,starting before that the South is closed area until August 1865, but due to railway history this part of the non industrialized South only had very few railroads before the Civil War. (My equipment: HP Pavalion 2 Gigabyte RAM, Windows XP, RRT 1.06 final version (-no user created logos).
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It's not necessary to make a long run! Simply load the map into the editor and save it immediately by using a dummy name. Result: crash to desktop! !hairpull!

@arop: You already got this "bug report" as PM. Please, tell us if there are any needs for user created contents etc.
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The only user created contents are some locomotives. You could try to remove all the events concerning engines and set the editor on "EVERY North American locomotive". Some of the events concerning engines human player only, trying to avoid AI's (absolute idiots) running the biggest possible engine on a short run. I often prefer not to play with AI's while impressed by their they build railways. Still the map works properly when i'm playing, so I can't tell what's wrong. **!!!** !hairpull!
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Sorry arop - seems not to be "your" problem.

You'll also get a CtD when you start or load Gwizz' fine "Coal Miner's Daughter" and have forgotten to install the Gwizz Port first! From my point of view we simply have to find out, what arop's map is missing.
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!hairpull! I suggest remapping all territories to USA, maybe there is sometrhing wrong with territories. I can't tell while I don't have any problems with this map **!!!**
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@arop: Maybe - to get an idea what's going wrong - it could be helpful to have a look at the contents of your RT3 installation, i.e
patch level (I assume it's 1.06) and especially the files in
- UserExtraContent
- BuildingTypes
- CargoTypes
- EngineTpyes

I'm really interested to get your 'Great Southern RR' running and being savable for all of us and, of course, still want to translate it for the (only) German speaking folks.
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User extra contents: standard 1.06. Building types: standard 1.06. Cargo types: according to 1.06 final. Ekstra engine types used in this map: GP 40-2 (1972-1999). EMD E7 (1949-80). GP 7 double (1949-1993) class M2 Mastodon (1907-36) 4-6-4 Hudson (1927-60).
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@arop: In a first try I installed the locos you mentioned - without any success: CtD when saving the map.

Thereafter, I installed any locos (got form the extras within this forum), and now it works! !*th_up*! Maybe it was the missing GP7, but I've not verified that.
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:-D I'm happy to hear that!
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Re: Great Southern RR crash Unread post

I finally had time to mess around to see if I could get the scenario working for me. I followed Sugus's success and install a bunch of locos. It works! At least I can save the game without a crash. Haven't gone any further than that.
Thanks all - especially Sugus

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Re: Great Southern RR crash Unread post

Well Fellas,

All of you have had some interesting ideas on how to cure the "crash" problem. Now I have """"all"""" the engine creations downloaded, but have yet to get even the scenario loaded, without it just taking me back to the computer screen. Any more suggestions would be appreciated. :salute:
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Maybe there are also missing buildings or logos or ...

Get the whole extra stuff and install it. !*00*!
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Re: Great Southern RR crash Unread post

It has been months since I tried to play this scenario. Looks like a great concept of challenge, but even though Ihave re-downloaded it from the Archives, any ""save"" knocks me out of the program. !hairpull!

Now Sugus suggested that maybe some buildings, logos, etc could be missing. As much of the research Ihave done, I have not seen anything which would incdicate that some .pak is necessary. I also thought that it might be that it may not play with the 1.06 Patch, but the Archive information shows that the 1.06 is required, of which that is the patch shown on the menu screen. *!*!*!

The suggestion is great, but I believe that Ihave every type of .pak. Well, that is, unless the system does not recognize them being in a separate folder in the Data, Extra stuff. Guess I will have to send a PM to Arop and see if there is something which I am or have missed. BUT will appreciate any other suggestions. :salute:
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Re: Great Southern RR crash Unread post

Well Hell,

Goofed somehow. Went into the inventories of the Data, to verify engines, buildings, logos, and did find that some of the PKs and lco,car,ten, were in the wrong folders. However, in the transition of realigning them into their proper folders, my system got hung up, so that it had to be uninstalled, and the reinstalled. As only the original program, CtoC, patches 1.05 and 1.06 are the only programs/files, I have yet to do any inputing of the "new locos, and logos". I now have a "dupe copy" so if there is a similar problem, I still have a back up source. But, it doesn't have any of the newer user maps or engines. That will require an all together another project. !hairpull!
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