Highscore List

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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Highscore List Unread post

Unfortunately, the number of entries in the highscore list is very limited. It's a pity to see those wonderful gold medals on expert level disappear as new victories are gained. Is there a chance to extent this list or to modify it in one way or the other?
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Re: Highscore List Unread post

The developers of RT3 didn't have any ideas about the lifetime of their game. So, they seem to expect that a "normal" user would play some single scenarios and - maybe - most of the campaigns. For this approach, a list of some few entries in the hall of fame would do it. But meanwhile, there are over - I guess - 600 user made maps, which - with respect to the different difficulty levels - simply is too much for the highscore list. So, from my point of view, there is no chance to have more than some 30 entries or so.

What I'm doing for myself is to note my progress in each map in a (sorry, Word-based) document. I mention title and author, enumerate the goals and special conditions and finally make annotations related to a possible further try. This way I've an overview, what I have done and where my next targets are waiting. (You see, of course, I'm completely fixed on RT3!)
There's no business like RT business ...
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Re: Highscore List Unread post

Sugus wrote: (You see, of course, I'm completely fixed on RT3!)
There are many far worse addictions than RT3, but very few, if any, which are as inexpensive, as imaginative, as exciting or as socially acceptable than RT3. The cost of the addiction is, of course, the time spent playng RT3. I console myself on this point by saying that it balances the time others spend on Facebook, e-mails and video games.
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Re: Highscore List Unread post

OilCan wrote: The cost of the addiction is, of course, the time spent playng RT3. I console myself on this point by saying that it balances the time others spend on Facebook, e-mails and video games.
Can you belive that my wife thinks I am playing video games when I play RRT. Its no use explaining that this is no simple shoot em up game but an exercise in economic theory
She Knows !! ^**lylgh
I got up and the world was still here, isn't that wonderful ?
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