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A few bugs found in RT3 on Vista 64 - Is there any fix?

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.

A few bugs found in RT3 on Vista 64 - Is there any fix?

Unread post by TheKLF99 »

I was just playing Railroad Tycoon 3 on Windows Vista and have discovered a two major bugs in it, does anyone know if there is a fix for them...

1. State of Germany campaign - When crossing certain state lines the system wont allow you to send the trains from one station to the next, this bug was found when I created a line from Leipzig to Halle. It worked fine if I created a second line around the state line section of the track, the train just used the second line I'd created even though it was further than the first. Also when attempting to demolish the track that wasn't working once I got to the state line RT3 shut down and I got the standard Vista message when a program stops responding and it checks with Microsoft for a solution (not that I've ever seen it find a solution yet!). It also does the same trick when going south from Halle to any of the two towns in the next state below.

2. EAX 3 sound support. I have a Creative Labs X-Fi sound card with full EAX 3 support and it's plugged into a Kenwood AV receiver via coax SP/DIF. If I try and select any of the EAX settings (1, 2, 3) it just reverts back to Direct 7 Pan setting when clicking Ok or test. Any other settings except RAD 3D cause the game to crash and windows to come up with it's usual This program has stopped responding... message. RAD 3D works but it puts a tick in the box "Disable Hardware Acceleration", obviously with such a good card as a Creative Labs X-Fi (it's one of the original all singing, all dancing X-Fi's with 5 1/4" audio box, not the new cheap ones) it would be good to have the full EAX experience and it using the hardware acceleration. Is there any way to get EAX 3 working in this game on Vista 64?

At the moment the version of RT3 I'm running is the one with the Coast to Coast Expansion pack (1.04 I think). Would upgrading to 1.05 or 1.06 help sort any of these bugs out?