Invisible Backgrounds for Logos

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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Invisible Backgrounds for Logos Unread post

Hey Mr Scott or anybody else who can answer this question. How do I do an invisible background for irregular shaped logos (that is, not square). I've done it before with gifs, but I can't figure out how to do it with .tga
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This works in PaintShop:

1) set background to a solid color
2) highlight background
3) in 'Selections' use Invert
4) save over original 'Alpha Channel 1'

And, of course, remember to save uncompressed!
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I tried to create alphas in PSP 8.1 but I wouldn't work. Here is what I did.

1.Make a copy of the logo you want to use.
2.Take that copy and make an alpha out of it by using the wand tool. Make the alpha solid black and solid white. (Black for areas you want to see, white area for the area you don't want to see)
3.I then use a small program called dxtbmpx to merge the logo and the alpha.
4.After merging, I put the merged file into the correct RRT3 folder to create the logo.

This is the basics. Let me know if you have anymore questions. I'll be glad to help. :D
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The Big Dawg
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PSP 8 doesn't work at all with alphas. I got that info straight from Jasc.
I bought it and called them when I found out it wouldn't work.
I had PSP 7 Trial so they gave me a key that registered PSP 7.
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EPH wrote:This works in PaintShop:

1) set background to a solid color
2) highlight background
3) in 'Selections' use Invert
4) save over original 'Alpha Channel 1'

And, of course, remember to save uncompressed!
O.K., so I
1) Select the background, then Invert the selection so the logo, not the background is selected.
2) Then select "Save Selection" from the "Select" pulldown
3) Select "Alpha 1"
4) Then under "Operation" I can choose:

a) Replace Selection
b) Add to selection
c) Subtract from Selection or
d) Intersect with selection

So far I have tried replace, add and subtract with no luck. Am I on the right track?

I'm using Photoshop Elements 2.0. I also have Photoshop 5.0 LE and MGI Photosuite 4.
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It looks like I got it, using LWVRR's dxtbmpx program. Can I buy a vowel, Pat? :lol:

I ended up with a neon green border around it, but it worked. I'll have to try and tweak it a bit.

I'm very happy, many thanks everyone.

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Overland wrote:It looks like I got it, using LWVRR's dxtbmpx program. Can I buy a vowel, Pat? :lol:

I ended up with a neon green border around it, but it worked. I'll have to try and tweak it a bit.

Make sure that the alpha matches the same size as the logo. Also make sure that the alpha is only black and white...sometimes another color manages to sneaks its way onto you alpha and tends to screw things up a bit.
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I have much less knowledge of alpha channels and whatnot. I simply load and existing logo, erase it so only the blank layer is left, then copy the new logo and paste it into the file with the blank layer.
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