RT 3 Updating Issues

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.

RT 3 Updating Issues Unread post

This is generally not the way I like to introduce myself on a website, so first off, hello, and second, if possible, I am looking for help. After dusting off my cd case, I found RT 3 and decided to install it once again, which went without a hitch. However, any time I attempt to update the game (I have tried 1.03, 1.04, and 1.05) I get an error message saying nothing at all and the program will not load past that point. The message looks like this: Image
Hopefully someone has encountered this error and knows of a way around it. Thank you very much.
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Re: RT 3 Updating Issues Unread post

I'm not sure what would be causing that. Someone else here may know. It may be helpful if you give us more details about your computer and what operating system you are running.

Does the game run prior to running any of the patches?
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The Big Dawg
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Re: RT 3 Updating Issues Unread post

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you're running Win 7 and you installed RT3 in the default directory, which would be Program Files (86).

If that's the case, that would explain why you can't patch it. Microsoft, in their infinite 'wisdom' (and I say that with just a hint of sarcasm) decided that they wouldn't let any files in the Program Files (86) or the Program Files directories be written to. In other words, you can't update the exe because Win 7 won't let you.

The work around to that would be to uninstall RT3 completely, then re-install it to another directory outside of the Program Files (86) directory.

If I'm wrong at my stab, then please give some more details about your OS, system, etc.

BTW! Vista is the same way as Win 7 in regards to the Program Files (86) directory.

Re: RT 3 Updating Issues Unread post

@Blackhawk The game runs fine on version 1.00. For my computer, I have an AMD Phenom II x4 B50 , ASUS M4-A785TD-V EVO motherboard, 4GB DDR3-1333 RAM, and an HIS 6950.

@Hawk: You are correct, I am running Windows 7. I installed all of the files into a folder on my desktop. Updating it and installing Coast to Coast went fine. Once I add in all of the maps and mods I wish, would it still be a good idea to keep it our of the x86 directory? Also, does Microsoft similarly limit the Programs Files directory? Thank you
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Re: RT 3 Updating Issues Unread post

Microsoft limits both dircetories "Program Files" and "Program Files (x86)". The first one is related to 64 bit applications and the second one to the good (?) old 32 bit ones.
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Re: RT 3 Updating Issues Unread post

Alted4 wrote: Once I add in all of the maps and mods I wish, would it still be a good idea to keep it our of the x86 directory?
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Re: RT 3 Updating Issues Unread post

Just for the record I run RRT3 via steam on Windows 7, and neither it nor any of the 20 or so other games I have is in either program files or program files x86.
In fact I told steam to install everything in a directory called games which I created and isn't even on the boot C: drive, it's on D:.
The point being that although by default .exe's are put into those directories there appears to be no reason at all that they won't run perfectly well someplace else, so you don't have to worry that something doesn't work correctly simply "because" it's not in one of those directories.
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