RT3 Patch tasks (long, make sure you read end)

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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Milo, I sure wish there was a way to reward you and Pjay for your efforts.
There are others as well that have put extra effort into improving the game that also deserve a Big Thank You.

A comment:

I like building maps but don't enjoy playing RT3 as much as RT2.
I have to play a new RT3 map to beta test it. This has become a bottle neck for me.
I do have a few maps in the pipeline that I would like to finish, RT3 and RT2 and your comment put a little boot in my gettieup.

A question:

2. On the project at hand, what would be the chance of including a patch within a map, so that something new added to the game would work with the old code when a modified map is loaded and played?

As my time frees up I may try to do some artwork on my old 3DMax program that I don't fully understand. I may be able to help in other ways as well. I normally have to learn how to do something as I do it. But I'm willing to try.
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Gwizz wrote:On the project at hand, what would be the chance of including a patch within a map, so that something new added to the game would work with the old code when a modified map is loaded and played?
!?!! Gwizz, that's a beautiful idea!

Wow... I'll have to think about the mechanics. It's not a candidate for 1.06, but could make the 1.07 list. Maybe something like what Civ IV does to modify itself when one runs a scenario.
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Milo, my two cents is to concentrate AI and game play problems. Graphics are too time consuming and quite hard to achive. (well may be)

Gwizz, are you sure that you can modify 3D files with 3DMax? My attempts have failed, but I did try the latest edition (free trial), which wasn't even called 3DMax anymore.
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I had mixed results with RT2.
I added an extra chairman that locked gameplay.
Most of what I did was combinding what was already in the game.
Generally, I created a lot of bugs doing this.

I think RT3 will be easier to work with. But have yet to try.

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I like what you have on the list for fixes to the game, but on the combining of the maintenance facillities and the stations, would you still be able to place watertowers and maintenance sheds else where if you wanted to or would you have to place a station? Just wondering. :wink:

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another question, sorry, on the supportting double engines, would there be a way to may make the game think that they were two trains allowing for more cars to be hauled, but still showing just them together? Or would that be a major deal? :?
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There is a two engine GP7 out there that used another GP7 as the tender, so you had two pics. Then a new file was made that gave higher performance ratings, higher prices etc. to match the effect of having two engines.

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:D I have the dual GP7, but there is a car limit, what I meant was, if there was a way that they could fool the game or what ever they could do it that might double the car capicity of the single train, since there are two engines. But that might not be possible. example: eecccccccccccccccc instead of eecccccccc. Where e= engine and c = cars. I wondered if the game could be made to show two trains in the train list but show one long train with the two engines on the line running. It was just a thought. :idea:
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I don't think that's a good idea for practical reasons. Long modern trains (with the large cars) already take up a long length of track. If the number of cars doubled the train would reach the next station before it left. :shock: :)
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Consider Baghdad Rwy Unread post

Lama introduced second locos in a more abstract way in Baghdad Railway. You get the option to use helper engines vs shay availability. Essentially you pay more to increase the power of your existing locos. The graphics is unchanged (single engine) and the changes affect the whole game, not individual trains, but it is a simple way to introduce the effect.

Another way to introduce double engines, but without the benefit of graphics would be to mix files a bit. It you have a diesel dominated scenario, modify steam performance to have -100 water use, create or rename files so that your steam engine now looks like a diesel, or modify the graphics to look like a double diesel.

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I didn't mean to upset anyone. I just love trains, always have even as a kid back in the early 60's. Oops, showing my age. :lol: I realize it might not be too practicable for short runs, but thought it would be nice for some long runs like in America in the western states :) Just love to watch them roll. :wink:
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rrt3 patch project Unread post

Hi Milo,
I am new to this forum and what I read tells me this will be a large chunk of time, I don't have any skills to help but have a suggestion. As payment for your efforts, how about if everyone donates a few dollars to put towards a great train journey. Depending on the amount collected you could go on the Trans-Siberian or the Indian Pacific if you could get to Australia, then the great Ghan to Alice Springs & Urulu.
Anyone who can get to Perth will have my assistance in train travel in Australia. I can make maps of anywhere in the world but don't know how good my skills are.
I checked my version of rrt3 and it is 1001 is there a patch that will bring it to date or should I instal updates singularly until get to the latest?
Good luck
Merlin 7
Hi, This is Merlin 7 ,I've been on Australia's Indian Pacific, The Trans Siberian, 5 months "train"ing through Europe and I still love playing trains. TTD3 and RTT3 are the best so far.
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Welcome, Merlin 7! Please don't try to raise donations; that's come up a couple of times already and had to be squashed for several reasons. If you feel you need to give something back, then post reviews of existing scenarios - it'll inspire the scenario creators, contribute to the community's life, and let the rest of us know that someone's actually using the stuff we're putting together.
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sticky Unread post

O.k, Sorry Milo, I didn't realize, I will do as you suggest,
regards Merlin 7
Hi, This is Merlin 7 ,I've been on Australia's Indian Pacific, The Trans Siberian, 5 months "train"ing through Europe and I still love playing trains. TTD3 and RTT3 are the best so far.
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Re: RT3 Patch tasks (long, make sure you read end) Unread post

Is there still being worked on these?
I would like to help with scripting..
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Re: RT3 Patch tasks (long, make sure you read end) Unread post


When does the patch 1.07 is ready?

I like to have a go with the 3D model importer.

made 2 models, a building and a wagon both try outs.

I've stopped with it, because there is no way to get a model in.

The guys from poptop made that very good at the time :-(

It's realy a shame, even TM has no new 3D models.
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Re: RT3 Patch tasks (long, make sure you read end) Unread post

You do realize that with the exception of the post just above yours, which is 2 years old, the rest of this thread is over 7 years old.
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Re: RT3 Patch tasks (long, make sure you read end) Unread post

I know, but if i don't ask i will never get an answer

it looks like all is slowed down, what is a petty. :-(
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