How do I Get PV up?

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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How do I Get PV up? Unread post

Of all the aspects of the game, getting a good PV is always a bugaboo for me.

I just tried the Building to Buffalo and got the CBV up as well as got the line built and got the consists, but can't seem to get PV up worth a hoot.

Any hints on building up a good PV?
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Canadian Viking
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Likely you have been buying stock in your own railroad. If not, do so. Get as much as possible early in the game when it is cheapest. But beware of buying too much on margin in a boom economy, as an economic crash will drop your stock value and could result in a margin call, which will devastate your PNW. As you near the end of the game and are sure you will hit your CBV target, have your company start buying back it's own stock. That raises the stock price, making your own stock holding more valuable. (Buying back stock does reduce your CBV so don't do it early in the game.)

Once you've accumulated some stock in your own company, pay yourself a generous dividend. I bump up the dividend level every year the company's profit increases, but keep the dividend rate under 10% until I know I will make the needed CBV.

Look at the AI railroads. You can buy stock in any that look like they will do well for several years. Especially note any that have just expanded to a new city, as that may make them more profitable. You can also make money shorting the stock of those that began in two small cities with little traffic to carry, and then make your profit as their stock price sinks and you buy it back at a lower price.

You can get a big payoff by buying stock in another company and then having your company take over the other one and pay the maximun (or as close to it as your company can afford) amount for the stock in the buyout. The more shares you own of the takeover target, the bigger your profit when your company buys all the shares. If this railroad is one whose track also helps you reach your desired destination, then you accomplish two things at the same time. :)

PNW is the biggest challenge, which is why I made it part of the Gold medal requirements and not Bronze or Silver. Good luck!
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