Deutschlong scenario

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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Deutschlong scenario Unread post

Has anyone tried to play this scenario?
Well, mostly, has anyone been able to try and answer the question quiz?
And then to get a "prize"?

Anyway, I have spent some time trying to get some of the "correct" answers, but it seems that when I "might" have the correct answer, especially when I have already given the other 3, with a "sorry" remark, that I have yet to find out if the last answer is the correct one. The program just seems to go to the next question.

As for the scenario itself, it is a very good one. Terrain, goals, and has this Q&A game.

Ray of Sunshine
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I personally liked this scenario, although I played it quite a while ago. The map was nice, and the goals were challenging. I think I only got one or two of the quiz questions right, and I think I got either a bonus in passenger traffic, or a cash prize, I can't remember Exactly. The only thing I didn't like about it was that I found it could have used some historical events to keep the player's attention while acheiving their goals. Still, a good Scenario all around.
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Well, thanks for the comment.

I didn't get too many correct either, and was a little surprised that although they were basically on a railroad theme, there was 1 which was inserted about the Sputnik.

As I wasn't getting too many correct, and not finding any benefit to those which I did get correct, I believed that there possibly was not any connection for a "prize" with relations to the scenario itself. I based that on that the "quiz" was optional.

My concern at the early part of the scenario, of which I am still wandering around the continent, is that there are goal destinations within territories, of which there isn't any access, and no monetary access.

Then although I believed it possible that getting an adequate amount of the "quizz" questions correct, that it would be an opening to gain that access. But then, back to the quizz being an optional item.

Yes I like the scenario, and I even tried to contact the language translators e-mail address, but the internet indicated a non-connection. Being that this is not a new sceanio, that address could have been changed. Then again, the translator may not know either.

But at least thanks to him, we do have an interesting scenario. !*th_up*! !!clap!!

Ray of Sunshine
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Re: Deutschlong scenario Unread post

Ray of Sunshine wrote: Yes I like the scenario, and I even tried to contact the language translators e-mail address, but the internet indicated a non-connection. Being that this is not a new sceanio, that address could have been changed. Then again, the translator may not know either.
If you're talking about Molse, he's a member here. You can probably send him a PM or maybe even email him through the forum.

You could also visit his forum and contact him through it, if you can read and write German. :mrgreen:
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Thanks Hawk for the info. :salute:

I have not went to the addresses mentioned yet. However, I did go back to the download to see both the Author and the Translators names, and found the when I unzipped the program, I read the attached "DL_en.rtf (text) message of the goals, and find they are different than those of the "Briefings".

Now maybe this should be in the REVIEWS catagory, but it might be a good idea to get a print out of that DL_en.rtf to know what to expect, over and above the Briefing requirements.

As I have not completed the final Deadline, I did find that the Deadline 2: Total industry profits must add up to $50M, is not possible, as the program does not permit, or at least offer the option to buy/purchase any industries. UNLESS, as I am typing this, that it does permit a player to BUILD an industry to get that requirement. **!!!**

Ray of Sunshine
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Played this years ago and remembered getting bad score on the questions so I've given it another three tries passing on the questions. First two on Expert and easily made the connection and on second try got 203 passengers. Thought maybe if I'd put on Express only trains earlier it might have helped. Thought I'd give it a go on Normal and that was absulutely terrible doubt I got to 100 - and the Express trains were useless :cry: . Connection no problem any of the times.

Industry - well you can build your own but I've never had enough money except for hotel/restaurant in Berlin (not very profitable) so (if I ever get past stage 1) don't know how I'm going to get through the next stage because there's already plenty of industries serving farms etc.
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That is odd Gentleman,

As I was able to meet Deadline 1 by 1885 in Expert. Another try by 1887, during which I had more frequencies of Recessions and depressions. I just ran trains with on 4 cargoes, although for the 1st few years, until the economy got better, I watched each train to make sure that I included a 'diner' when there were less that 4 loads, and when there was a passenger car.

Going into the send Deadline, I let the trains just run, but I had increased the consists to 5 cargoes after the first few years when the economy got better. I waited until I had $2G, and purchased a Brewery. With all the grain growing around the Berlin+ area, I am anxious to see if that $50M is obtainable, although I will have to make a decision on which other industry will be of an adequate amount of profit.

I am somewhat concerned with those 50 lds of Bauxite into Russia by 1950. Seeing that the territories do not open until 1945, that only gives a player 5 years to reach a goal.

Ray of Sunshine
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Re: Deutschlong scenario Unread post

Load and start the trains early.
Than stop them at the border to wait for 1945.
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Re: Deutschlong scenario Unread post

I've just realised what I did wrong - at least in my last attempt :-? ;-) :!:

I started 5 years later to get the better trains earlier forgetting that as the scenario is based on actual years not periods of time that gave me 5 years less to reach the goals **!!!** Shall try again 8-)
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