RRT3 Going Nukular

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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coruscate wrote:Well I got 1.04 to work, I'm going to try for Coast to Coast and then the final 1.05 five next.

If that works I think I could probably use your freight / industry update pack for my level. There's enough miltary and I can see a scenario where the player would have to buy access rights to various territories to lock up their own, San Diego financial fiefdom.

I really like the malls, I think there should have been more "final destination" buildings like bakery in the industry options. Malls and other non-directly railroad things like amusement parks make local economies go around.

Edit: 1.05 works I'd be happy to help you try and verify your stuff.
Reading how people are installing both 1.05 versions and 1.06 versions is making me feel a bit better. But just to be clear, only part of what I am doing is "my stuff." Like I wrote, I am hoping to put together a collection of other peoples' stuff too. I've already discussed it with WP&P, and I will be including a lot of the rolling stock he created, as well as the industry. I haven't completed the list just yet.
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Awesome, I like his stuff. I'd like to see some kind of updating to the Gwizz port but that'll be in a moment...
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I've looked at the insides of the Gwizz port a long time ago and I remember that I was able to make sense of it to some degree. (shhh...he's probably watching... 8-) ) My first attempt to mess with warehouse/ports was not successful, so I have put it to the bottom of my to do list.
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Could you take the data for a large house and jack the demands / supplies through the roof and call it a port / airport?
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Le Medical Center....
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OOoh nice, I want to try these out now.

Since you're focusing on military, and caveat I haven't messed with troops in the current game, have you considered a "boot camp" that takes people and produces troops? I have some other ideas, mostly for my own stuff that I'll share in a separate thread.
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Actually, military is only a small portion of what I am doing. Here's a rough outline of what I am putting together...

10 new cargo

Isotopes, DU, Missiles, Explosives, Electronics, Machinery, Medicine, Concrete, Rock, Crystals.

(note, since I haven't done any work on the concrete string...I might change that arbitrarily at some point, and there is a good chance I will go with hemp, money, and hides.)

New Industries... (since the 1.06 uses a warehouse for a bunch, like the hospital, I am making a unique building for each new industry)

Missile Plant, Explosives Factory, Machine Shop, Hospital, Electronics Factory, Bio-Diesel Plant, malls, Military Base, Pharmaceutical plant, scrapyard...that's off the top of my head...also include your winery. The malls are still being worked on, and there is going to be a few different ones...I'll get back to this later. Also, I might include a ship building industry. I think there is a limit, so we'll just have to see when I reach it as to what makes the final cut

New rolling stock.

Still working on the list, but in addition to the missile carrier, there will be a ton of new stuff....all the 1.06 locos.

Changes to existing.....

I'm also making changes to a lot of the existing game so that the new stuff will properly be incorporated into the overall game. At the same time, I am going to change the chemical plant so that it can be built since I have never figured out why it wasn't buildable. And some other stuff I've forgotten right now.

I am trying to create stuff that just plain makes sense, and at the same time offers something at various time periods. I'm trying to do it in such a way that there can be all kinds of new ideas generated for new scenarios and possibilities.
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nedfumpkin wrote:I think there is a limit, so we'll just have to see when I reach it as to what makes the final cut
Your list of new industry might have already exceeded the limit. There were 19 spaces available for new industry before the 1.06 patch, so you'd need to deduct the new 1.06 industries from that 19 count.
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19 industry slots should be more than plenty for what I am doing.

Postscript....so it's Saturday Morning, four cups of coffee so far, I am beginning to read Hex like its in english.....so....I was thinking that since 1.06 users will have to have a completely separate install to use this mod, why not make it so that everyone has to do the same thing. With hard drives larger than the US debt, having 2 or even three versions of the game is not a big problem.

So today I will be thinking about the idea of making this a completely different version of RRT3 that is completely incompatible with all other versions. This way I can say screw it to naming cargos ~5002Isotopes so that they don't affect previous maps, and just make it so that there are no previous maps to worry about.

Since at least two new scenarios are potentially in the works that will make use of the features in this pack, if things work out well, then new maps can be created, and other scenarios updated as time goes on.

Since it's all free, any complaints are pure narcissism. :)
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nedfumpkin wrote:19 industry slots should be more than plenty for what I am doing.
Just remember, the 1.06 patch already has some of those 19 slots used, but I don't know how many. You'd probably have to get that info from milo.
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I did speak to Milo, and it was determined that 1.06 will not really accept any new modifications since almost all slots for everything are taken. Any thing I would want to do would require a complete and separate install of RRT3

So I have decided to do something completely off the wall in its entirety....I am restructuring the entire cargo supply chain of the entire game from the ground up. This allows to to add the new cargo I want, and also change the cargo that already exists. The industrial base is also changed to reflect it. To use this mod you will have to competely remove all the cargo and buildings and replace them with this stuff.

Currently milk is made into cheese. Since cheese represents food, and to me it makes more sense, cheese is gone as a cargo and food is in. As such, the introduction of food processing plants, such as the cereal plant and the bakery can produce food which is consumed by the houses and retails, etc.

Right now I am working on the idea of the Farm Co-operative. If it works out the way I want it to there is going to be rather than a dairy farm that increases with corn, there is going to be the Dairy Co-op, and it will produce mostly milk, grains, etc, a bit of wool, some livestocks..and at the same time it will consume lumber, machinery, etc. Medicine keeps the herd healthy and productive since most areas produce their feed locally, and that which they buy is medicated.

I'm currently trying it with 21 cargos, a lot are just demand/consumption cargo. And I am going to do the same thing for the other farms so that they produce a bit of a lot of things with their focus on certain things....like ranches produce a lot of livestock, grain, and wool, but hardly any milk. Plantations are north for cotton and south for rubber/coffee. Etc.

This is the way agriculture is more like in R/L, so it makes more sense. I will try to have a good balance for these, and they will not be buildable nor buyable. Event writers can still add them though.

In the end I am hoping that I will have a cargo system that is more complex than the current RRT3 system if the event writer chooses to make use of it, or it can be simplified if they choose. Early life is simple, but as time goes on it gets more complicated.
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Wow, that is broad and I can see why you asked for the hold off on the vineyard.

In a sense it's sort of a step toward what you were doing in that I envisioned it as a final product producing tourist trap, two things going on at once. In your version it would eat people, and probably at least two base products.

Since you may not have popped by my beta test map thread, a user indicated he had a problem with WP&P's buildings, since we're doing DEEPLY ENTRENCHED modding here, how widespread are people with those problems?
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Actually, I read everything here related to RRT3. I'm not sure what the problem is with Belb and WP&Ps buildings, but I am going to be incorporating them in what I am doing so I am watching while you folks figure it out, but I think it is a user end problem, not the buildings themselves.

Most of what I am working on is essentially ideas that I am thinking about for Rail Mogul. This will allow me to at least try out the concept and see if it works at all. At the same time, I am trying to do it in such a way that event editors have a lot more available to them in all aspects so they can have new stuff to do in scenarios. Also, for Rail Mogul writers to try different concepts.

Oh....and you can blame MrScott2007 for getting me going on this with his Anthracite map. It's all his fault. :)
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I ain't mad ^_^

Can I get the skin for the hospital for you? I'd like to make a "normal" version for my Escondido map.
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What art have you done so far as skins for buildings?

I want to avoid repeating your efforts ^^;;
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I can e-mail you the skin for the hospital, it is based on the brewery model, however, in 1.06 I think they are using the warehouse model so people would have to make a manual change for it.

I have re-installed a fresh version of 1.05, and now I am working my way through everything to change things over.

I've just finished a farmstead co-operative that produces 2 milk, 2 produce, 1 grain, 1 livestock, 1 wool, 1 hemp, 1 corn, and also demands machinery, lumber, textiles, steel, goods, alcohol, automobiles, oil, and diesel. Medicine increases milk production, and fertilizer increases vegetation production. It also turns over 1 passenger and 1 mail.

It represents what would be a typical farmstead community common to most of the US and Europe. I will next make a Western Co-op which will be like the western ranches and grain producing areas.
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Wow @_@

I've started teh work on the casino, and I tooled more on the Vineyard last night.
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Progress report...

I'm managed to create a cargo list that I think will work well. A few are gone such as cheese, toys and clothing, but they have been replaced with a lot more. Service towers have a small demand for coal, sand and explosives (flares), and maintenance facilities will demand oil and machinery. Hospitals are municipal buildings with demands similar to houses. Meat Packing Plant create meat and hides, as well as a small amount of fertilizer (bone meal). A tannery will make goods and textiles from hides and pulp, or hides and chemicals.

Still creating different industries...but the most surprising thing is that I am still able to load the game and create a map with all the changes I've made! :)

Still got a lot to do, but everything is shaping up to be a completely new version of RRT3. It will be more of an "Expert Version" since most industries will require at least two inputs to create an output, and as time goes on things get more complex so that it will take four inputs to create a car...i.e. 1 steel, .5 tires, .2 glass, .3 textiles.
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Cool, as long as the system can keep up with the demands (like demanding people, the vineyard uses them but doesn't name a price and doesn't attrack people near it unless they are en route elsewhere.

It's going to be an interesting version of the game to play.
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