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"Flying" planes

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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Location: Australia

"Flying" planes

Unread post by moblet »

I just came across this in the language file:

439 "Now you'll get to fly a plane in a somewhat simplified manner.\n\nControls:\n\n<: Throttle down\n>: Throttle up\nA: Roll Left\nD: Roll Right\nW: Pitch Down\nS: Pull Up\nZ: Yaw Left\nX: Yaw Right\nC: Toggle Camera between exterior and nose\nESC: Remove Plane\n\n(and no, there's no big explosion if you crash...)"

Does anyone know how to conjure that in the game?
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Re: "Flying" planes

Unread post by OilCan »

From the ReleaseNotes.en on the RT3 CD:

- Passing "-d" as a command-line option to RT3.exe will turn on the old RT3
debug menus. These let you modify several aspects of the game, such as
time-of-day and camera angle. They also enable driving the Tiger Tank and
flying the plane, though the latter does not work very well.

I've never tried flying the plane. Let us know how it goes.....

Correction: releasenotes.en comes from the 1.06 modification package, not the RT3 CD. My bad.
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