Two Questions

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.

Two Questions Unread post


I have recently come back to RRT3. Have owned and played all three and got the new one for Christmas (but have not installed it yet).

Anyway I have two questions:
1. I just finished the New York To Chicago scenario - took me multiple times and a lot of looking at this site for help but I finally got gold on the hard level - at least I think I should have got gold. This is my question - I connected New York, Chicago, St Louis, and Chattanooga - had over 50 million in industry - delivered 58 louds of automobiles - I accomplished this all by year 25. But all I get is silver. Is there something I am missing?

2. The high score screen is all screwed up on my games because I kept going back and trying to replay the end of this to see if I was missing something. Is there a file I could edit to fix the high scores screen? (I know it is very trivial but I thought I would ask).

Thanks for any help
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For Chicago-to-New-York, check the briefing. THere may be more connections required than New York, Chicago, St Louis and Chattanooga. You should also check your station in Chattanooga and make certain it is close enough (open the editor and look for the blue pole) to actually be connected. The ground around there is rough, so I usually just get a corner of the station footprint over the city.

I don't know how to edit the high score screen - sorry.
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Cant help you on the scenario cos I played it so long ago I can remember nothing about it.

On High scores my advice is don't worry - however difficult the scenario you always get the same score (150?) for a Gold on Expert so after a bit its cluttered up with these. The only difference is that if you complete all the Campaigns and get Gold on Expert on every one then you get 900(???) and if you're after this then on the last scenario don't let it run to the end unless you're going to get Gold is the advice I've seen although I think that you could also go into the Saved Games folder and just delete "After 15"? - whatever the last one is.
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I just looked through the events for this scenario and think I've found an error...
the test for 50+ automobile loads is set to test "yearly, at the begining of the year." If you crossed this threshhold in the last year, the game won't recognize it for gold.
IMHO, this should test at least monthly, if not weekly.

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Thanks for all the replies

davey917 - I did not get the 50 cars delivered until the last year so that may well be the problem

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