Strange Things by creating a new Scenario

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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Strange Things by creating a new Scenario Unread post

Start is 1888... but why the scenario is already played 59 years ?
Start is 1888... but why the scenario is already played 59 years ?
i have started after a longer break the RT3 editor and want to develop a new scenario based upon the corse map. I worked on it yesterday and wanted to continue today... but then: in the first month 880$ are deducted in the first month without knowing why and without having programmed such a thing. The deductions are then added in the next months without end and i cannot understand the reason. i have not installed such deductions
the editor mode indicates that i already played 59 (!) years - the indication in the normal player mode however is correct. the industry list is empty when starting the game - but the balance indicates - 650$ for industrial buildings, costs for not existing tracks 15$... !hairpull!
and one more thing: after some time working with the editor the "c" and the "insert" key function no longer. Then I have to file first and to restart... very strange.... Can anybody explain or help me?

(Thanks to Petra for translating)
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Re: Strange Things by creating a new Scenario Unread post

I'm not precisely sure why it is doing that...but one question, are you using a map from a saved game?

Is this in 1.06? could be related to that...which operating system are you using? Which base map?
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Re: Strange Things by creating a new Scenario Unread post

Could you post the map you are working from? Just attach it (as a ZIP file) to a post here and we can have a look at it. It's probably what Ned is suggesting: a saved map from a game already in progress.
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Re: Strange Things by creating a new Scenario Unread post

nedfumpkin wrote:
Is this in 1.06? ---> No, it's not. It's in Patch 1.05.
which operating system are you using? ---> Win 7
Which base map? ---> Base Map is the Scenario Corsica (but already once more revised as found in the Railroad Tycoon 3 Map Archive ), also created by myself. The Base Map was revised and all events and formulas were deleted.
The starting year is the same year as in the originally scenario (1888). So I can't explain why the game is already played 59 years in the starting year 1888 |--0
In the Attachment you will find the map. But it's in German and unfinnished.
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Re: Strange Things by creating a new Scenario Unread post

Looks like this is a saved game. The in-place company shows -$650K in Industry Buildings, and the cash deductions are for "Overhead" and "Salaries", although I'm not sure why the Overhead should be charged, since there are no structures or track. I do see that several loads of a few cargoes have been "used", which would indicate that the scenario had been run for a while, and then Industry and track were destroyed. I don't have the "original" Corsica scenario to compare it to, but I suspect that it does not have the same starting conditions as this one.
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Re: Strange Things by creating a new Scenario Unread post

Thanks for your answer.
I've loaded some other scenarios in the editor - and the result is partially similar: In the Scenario "Australia Federation", the book shows a message "40 of 25 Years are elapsed" *!*!*!
In "British Isles": "Jahr (Year): 1870. Sie spielen seit 40 Jahre (You're playing since 40 years). Sie haben Zeit bis Ende 1854 (You've time to end the scenario in 1854) ... " :lol:
Very funny is the message in the scenario "Südliches Afrika" (South Africa): Sometimes, the message is: "-80 von 35 Jahren sind vorbei (-80 from 35 years have passed)", sometimes the message is "-25 von 35 Jahren sind vorbei (-25 from 35 years have passed)".

It seems that the "errors" appears because the scenarios were translate in another languages. If this means, that other things go wrong while playing this scenarios I don't know.
I have only a flat map of Corsica and now I regret that I've worked sumultaneously between creating map and programming the scenario.
Now I've seen, that other scenarios obviously have the same "errors", but aparently without any consequences for the game, I will try to make the scenario, based on the old map, one more time. But now, I will save the game more often than before.
Südliches Africa "South Africa" in Editor Mode
Südliches Africa "South Africa" in Editor Mode
British Isles in Editor Mode
British Isles in Editor Mode
Australia Federation in Editor Mode
Australia Federation in Editor Mode
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Re: Strange Things by creating a new Scenario Unread post

Merely translating a map from one language to another should have no effect on the state of the scenario when it is started. I suspect that whoever did the translation inadvertantly let the game run for a while in the editor, or translated a saved game that was already underway.
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Re: Strange Things by creating a new Scenario Unread post

Are you opening the map in the editor after you load the map in the game (Shift+E), or are you loading the map in the editor from the Extras/Editor/Load Map selection when starting RT3?
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Re: Strange Things by creating a new Scenario Unread post

I load the map in the editor from the Extras / Editor / Load Map selection.
I didn't know the key-combination (Shift + E) so far.
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Re: Strange Things by creating a new Scenario Unread post

I see what you mean. When loaded into the Editor, these maps (even the original english versions) show a positive number of years elapsed in the Ledger. I suspect that it's a property of the Editor because when you create a new map, the Editor defaults to a minimum start date of 1830 and default start date of 1870. If you change the minimum start date, the Editor sees this change as having elapsed (starting from 1830), so shows this value (difference between minimum start year and 1830) in the Ledger when veiwed in the Editor. It appears that when the scenario is actually played, the current number of years elapsed is correctly shown in the Ledger, so I wouldn't worry about what it's showing while you're working in the Editor.
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Re: Strange Things by creating a new Scenario Unread post

I hope you are able to get these problems fixed.
Your first version of Corsica (Corse) is probably my favorite scenario, and I really look forward to new challenges on your map!
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