Possibilities: Realtime Extraction of Game Statistics

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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Possibilities: Realtime Extraction of Game Statistics Unread post

Ok, so I'm blown away by so many on this site for how much knowledge there is of this game. I'm having LOTS of fun playing the "Alt-US" scenario, and as I'm getting more and more trains, I'm getting tired of the rather limited display features for managing trains in this game. Is there a means, or has anyone even considered how, if for example, I wanted to do the following: click pause, click the "Folder" to bring up the menu, select "Save" and it gives you an option to save a .csv file or something similar so that you could pull in game data into a spreadsheet. That way I could look at 40-50 rows at a time rather than 15 or so. I could imagine all sorts of possibilities if such a means existed. Did about 4 searches but was unable to find an existing forum topic on this. I am somewhat of a spreadsheet wiz, so I'm always doing stuff in sheets - find them quite handy... :)

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Re: Possibilities: Realtime Extraction of Game Statistics Unread post

Sounds like a very interesting idea, but sorry, I can't help you on this one. I'm clueless when it comes to tampering with the game code. Maybe Nedfumpkin or Sugus might help give some guidance.
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Re: Possibilities: Realtime Extraction of Game Statistics Unread post

Nope, sorry, I can't think of anything. And yes, it would be nice.
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Re: Possibilities: Realtime Extraction of Game Statistics Unread post

Thanks for the quick replies, gents! So part of what I was wondering, is do we have a tool to examine in any format the file or files that game data is saved in for RT3? If it is convertable to some form of text format, that would be cool... I'm not necessarily suggesting we mess with existing code, BUT if you could "pause," then "save" - and know *everywhere* that the data has been updated, who knows :) - again, I can't offer coding expertise, but I am a technically literate guy.

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Re: Possibilities: Realtime Extraction of Game Statistics Unread post

Maybe the "Visualization of saved RT3 games" could be a project when I have retired ... in - let's say - a little bit more than two years. ^**lylgh (0!!0)
There's no business like RT business ...
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