RRT 3 as a testing tool

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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RRT 3 as a testing tool Unread post

I seem to have managed to get RRT3 working on my pc again, understanding that I have a PII 350 with a voodoo 5 card and technically it shouldn't work at all, and so I have been thinking about an idea for an unusal twist on the game.

I work for a large entity that uses testing for job advancement. Some things haven't had tests developed for them and so people develop ad hoc methods for the interview that sometimes really miss their mark. While playing long hours of both RRT2 and 3, I couldn't help but think that this game would have great potential to be used for a skills and ability test for where I work. The place deals with supply chain, and other things in the game, so it would have some direct application to our operations.

Basically what I am thinking of is creating a strictly controlled simulation with identified goals that would be designed to test certain abilities that could be associated with the requirements of a senior position. The map would be designed to test certain skills, and then there would be choice based events that would impact the final score.

The first thing tested would be logistical ability. RRT is a supply chain game, and the test subject would have goals of moving so much finished cargo, and making certain connections. The are a number of maps that incorporate these types of features so I'm sure that everyone can see the obvious here.

Next is the financial management aspects. By setting a bunch of restrictions and incorporating budgets into the game, the subjects ability to manage money can be tested, again with choice based events affecting the overall outcome. Included can be labour relations issues with contracts coming up for negotiation every few years.

The other thing that could put in with choice based events is the integrity index. By putting in some black and white choices, and a number of really grey choices, you could be able to calculate the ethic integrity of the person.

The other thing that you could do is create the test manual for the simulation and explain all about the game and how it is played. Put out all the information they would need, and that alone would determine the subject's ability to research and use information.

I'm thinking it could be one of those all day tests where the person gets a few hours to study the manual, then the go do the simulation. They'd have a preset amount of time in which they would have to reach a specified date. At the end of the simulation, all the captured information would be then converted to a score out of 100.

It's an idea that I thought of, and was wondering if anyone else had, or has any comments.
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Re: RRT 3 as a testing tool Unread post

When RT2 was going strong, Poptop gave me permission to design an education business simulation tool.
It wasn't received very well by educators. They said the test simulation looked too much like a game. Too many educators felt something was not good unless it was their own ideas.

Phil is now making educational software. Some of your ideas may have been added by Phil. I need to take a look and see what he has done.
I didn't take the testing very far. I was being shot out of the saddle by educators before the idea was able to be mounted and show itself off as a sumulation.

Your ideas are good ones; but, I wonder how well they would be accepted by gamers. Give it a try.
Last edited by Gwizz on Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I have to say that I would be more surprised if someone hadn't already thought of the idea. RRT2 is a great style of game for it, but the event editing in RRT3 is more conducive for being a test. I can't really say that I am surprised that educators were opposed to the idea...let's just say that education is a process, not a result. :)

So here's what I got done last night. It's a small map, 320x320, with a river running diagonal to a bit of ocean and a port. The set-up is automotive sector since that has the best supply chain configuration for a simplistic scenario. Agriculture would be just too much. The industries and mines are strategically placed to allow some short haul and long haul. Diesel and cars are the primary exports, and exported goods from T&Ds produce imported rubber for making tires. I'm working lumber into it now to have lumber, paper and furniture as an export product with imports produced in exchange.

I don't want to have too much going on in the way of industries and resources, so I am trying to stick to an import export model that directly relates to what we do in the real world. I'm hoping that I may be able to put myself into a position where I can have some PTD/NWO/Illuminati/Scientologist/CIA/FBI/MI6/ types at work to actually take a look at the idea. As you said, the biggest hurdle make be overcoming the preconceived notions about it being a game, rather than looking at it as a simulation.
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Once you get it into a usable form, you may want to consider posting it as a beta version, along with the "guidelines/instructions". As an educator myself, I would be interested is seeing what you've done.
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I agree with Wolverine. This is a good idea in concept and we could help you out with it if you would like us too.
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Re: RRT 3 as a testing tool Unread post

What a great idea! Obviously it would be only one of a number of tests/ interviews / whatever? I'd hate my integrity to be scored on all the cheating I do in RT3!
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Nedfumpkin, I think you have an excellent idea! Good luck with it. Gwizz, too. I :salute: your efforts. Educators are very slow to put fun in learning. I'm sure I learned more geography in grade 5 from a board game that we could only play during recess, than I did from the classroom teaching the teacher gave on the subject. Learning should be fun, and games are one good way to do it. I think there is great educational potential in RT3 if scenarios are designed with that in mind. Keep us posted on how your ideas work out.
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The educational nature of RT3 (RT2 for that matter) is one of its best attributes. That's one of the whole points of the Age Of Steam Series. If you read the information in the games you will learn a lot about steam locomotives and how they operate. I put a lot of my own personal knowledge into the info in, "Big Valley," and "Blue Streak," and I learned a good deal about Michigan in Wolverine's Scenario and the historical info in Building to Buffalo and others is also good as well. I can see how it can be used to test someone's reasoning ability, ability to grasp concepts, etc. as well.
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Thanks for the interest....I've completely started over and the problem I am having is with the event editor itself. As I posted previously, I have a PII 350 Mhz with a Voodoo 5. RRT3 shouldn't work at all so I am happy with what I can get. If anyone has found the fix for the event editor where it won't allow you to put numbers in for certain effects, much obliged if I could get that to work.

Due to my editing problem, I have found a work around by having taken the South Western Australia scenario and I am changing the events to suit my needs since what's there are mostly what I am looking for.

Here's the set-up so far. Map is 320 x 512 or there abouts. Essentially you have to move cars, diesel, and lumber from the north to export in the south. Exporting goods will return clothing. Only related industries exist in the game and the start up is preset. There is a rail line going from the Capitol in the center to the southern port. It comes with a Pacific 4-6-2.

At first there is only a few mines, logging camps and one oil well. There is an electric plant and electricity produced is counted as well. As the game progresses events will be triggered to add new industries. For example, as soon as a load of coal is produced, a car plant will appear in a certain place. Once steel is produced, a chemical plant that ships to a warehouse to make rubber will appear. Then industry choices will also come up, for example, selecting a location for a new industry. (player cannot build industries, but can buy them).

Everything is going to be strictly controlled, and as much as possible, choice based. For example, do you open up the wildlife refuge to mineral exploration? Do you put the tire factory closer to your rubber source, or to your auto plant. Some choices will make you want consult your legal department. The can offer you advice, but sometimes they are wrong. The ethical questions won't be obvious choices all the time, some won't even seem like anything more.

Also, it starts in 1940. You will start with a Pacific, but soon will have a choice of sticking with steam, or trying out diesel. Neither is an advantage, the choice determines whether your oil industry or coal industry is affected.

The skill sets that it is going to test are planning and organization, financial management, market and risk analysis, integrity, and staff relations. When I get something playable, I'll upload it.
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Re: RRT 3 as a testing tool Unread post

Just an update...I'm still working on this, and I made a test map that I have run through a few times, but now I am thinking that RT2 might be better for what I am thinking. Will update as new stuff comes into my head.
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