Disappearing Industry

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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Disappearing Industry Unread post

I thought I have seen this topic before but ignored it cause I wasn't having that problem. I searched and searched and couldn't find it.

Anyway: Playing East of Mississippi II. It usually starts out with 4 or 5 quarries around Williamsport. Shortly after the start 2 or 3 of them will disappear. When you look at the "Cargo View" you'll see all of the quarries quantites but the actual building will be missing for 2 or 3 of them.

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: Disappearing Industry Unread post

I don't know about that particular scenario specifically, but in general if an industry isn't supplied with goods and having the goods hauled away frequently enough the industry may disappear. A few too many unprofitable years in the red and the industry may disappear. Not all the industries will disappear if they are unprofitable but there is a risk that it may disappear. However, if you buy the industry it won't disappear.

If you wait a few years most likely the cargo that you see hovering over where the quarries used to be will disappear. The game reads the cargo that was at the quarry/mine as still there and available for transport, but the quarry/mine itself will be gone and no new cargo will be created there.
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Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 5:59 pm

Re: Disappearing Industry Unread post

I've should of known that. Didn't even think of that. Thanks so much.
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