A question about Tex-Mex and add-on locomotives

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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A question about Tex-Mex and add-on locomotives Unread post

I created an account specifically for this question, as I looked through several pages and could not find anyone else asking about this.

I installed various locomotive add-ons including the 1.06 patch that includes the locopack and then I nabbed some single and doubled-up diesel loco add-ons. However, they do not show up in my favorite scenario, Tex-Mex. I have only tested one other scenario, East of Mississippi, and they work perfectly fine there.

So is there any way to fix this issue with Tex-Mex? Does that scenario have some specific variable in the background preventing the add-on locos from being available?

I appreciate any assistance that can be given. I have played this game for many years as I'm sure everyone else here has. I was not even a teenager yet when I first played this game and couldn't put it down. Now that I'm in my early 20s it still has the same effect on me.
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Re: A question about Tex-Mex and add-on locomotives Unread post

Hi Ahab, !!howdy!!

What you need to do to get the locos to show up is make a trip to the editor. You can adjust just for an in-progress game that you are playing by using Shift+E, but the better alternative is to load the un-seeded map from the Main Menu to go Extras->Editor->Load Map. This way you can save the map with a suffix and can thereafter play the modified map from the start as many times as you like.

I'm not sure how familiar you are with the editor, but the editor interface is like the normal game except it has an extra set of buttons on the LHS of the screen. You need to select the lowest one "Control Panel." There are a list of pages, you want the "Locomotives" one.

This page contains a list of all the locos you have installed. A tick mark should be placed beside any locos that you want in your game. Bear in mind that each loco has a listed availability range*, you will only see a ticked loco in the years listed.

After the year range you will find some letters, NA, E, W. These are the regions which the loco is associated with. So NA = North America, E = Europe, W = World. These are used to determine which locos the game makes available when the options "Allow EVERY ..... locomotive" are ticked.

The only time that custom locos will show up on existing maps without a trip to the editor is if one (or more) of these is ticked. For example, East of Mississippi has "Allow EVERY North American locomotive" ticked. Otherwise as in the case of Tex-Mex you need to make a trip to the editor and either enable that option or used the more controlled method of placing a tick mark beside the new locos that you installed (will result in a cleaner list).

Hope this helps. :salute:

*If you want to get a loco usable outside it's normal time period you can use an event. If you want to do that let me know, but I would warn that these are temperamental.

Edit: removed incorrect information which suggested that there was something wrong with loco order in 1.06, see this post.
Last edited by RulerofRails on Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A question about Tex-Mex and add-on locomotives Unread post

I wasn't aware that the game even had an editor of this nature.

Your instructions fixed everything, I appreciate the help.

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