Skinning GP40-2?

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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Skinning GP40-2? Unread post

Can anyone figure out how to add the GP40-2 to the list of locos in the trainskin.exe program so I can make multiple skins?

I put a GP35 texture in place of the GP40-2 texture and it worked fine but I only get one choice. :(
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I know. I did this with BR Class 50. 8)

If you know hexediting, open the TrainSkin.exe in a hexedit program and chance GP35 to GP40-2. It is somewhere in middle of the file.

If you don’t and do not expect it tomorrow, I can edit the TrainSkin.exe for you.

In the final patch GP 40-2 will have much improved skin courtesy of 80 Meadows. Also when I have time, I will make available few extra skins for GP 7 Double. Work 80 Meadows has made includes two different Santa Fe skins and I fancy a GP 7 double with different liveries.

BTW nice work with SD- 90 and DD40. I have been waiting skins for those.
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