Export Heightmap

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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Export Heightmap Unread post

I think this has been asked for before, but how hard would it be to make a program to export/import height data, along the lines of PJays GMP2BMP and BMP2GMP programs. After noticing the "lakes in holes" on the Caucasus map, it occurred to me that this would be the esiest way to fix such situations. I suppose one could manually go into the Editor and raise the terrain, but it gets really tricky to get just a portion of a map to the correct elevation. Believe me I've tried it in a few scenarios where upgrading a station sends it down into the netherworld.

If you've got nothing better to do milo, could you have a go at it? Or anyone else with a bit more programming skill than I have. It would be a great tool, and useful to a lot of mapmakers out there.