Slowness and DNS problems

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Slowness and DNS problems Unread post

From my computer, this site seems very slow and sometimes it's not even found in DNS. Are these problems occurring on the Hawk & Badger site or shall I start troubleshooting at my end?
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Re: Slowness and DNS problems Unread post

I often have to refresh the webpage or check back at a later time as the page won't load so my guess is it's something on Hawk's server's end and not ours, but I could be wrong.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Slowness and DNS problems Unread post

They've been having some problems on the server and are supposed to be moving everything to a new server this weekend.
Thanks for bringing this up though. I'll check on the status of the move.

If you guys can tell me how long this has been going on it would help.
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Re: Slowness and DNS problems Unread post

I checked on the server move and here's the answer I got from them.
Hi, Hawk!

We're still waiting for the server. Because of the lightning strike the folks at the DC were busy repairing the damage instead of building the server.

There in the final stages of the build, but I'm not sure if we're going to get it today or tomorrow. We probably won't be able to start migrations until tomorrow as I have to configure the server first.

Loads have been unusually high today for two reasons: 1) one of the disk drives is failing and 2) we're doing both daily and weekly backups today. Because of the disk failure, those backups are taking much longer than usual.

Hopefully we will be able to start migrating accounts tomorrow and things will get back to normal.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hang in there folks. !hairpull! It's affecting my email bad as well so you're not alone.

The lightening strike mentioned was Friday and it's been causing problems ever since. Because of the lightening strike, they found out the hard drive was going bad so I guess the hit actually helped - in a weird sort of way. :mrgreen:
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Roger that Hawk, entering holding pattern :lol:
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Re: Slowness and DNS problems Unread post

Thanks for your patience. :salute:
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Re: Slowness and DNS problems Unread post

Did seem a bit slower lately, guess that explains it.
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Re: Slowness and DNS problems Unread post

Looks like the migration has been completed, the site is now very fast. !!clap!!
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Re: Slowness and DNS problems Unread post

Yep! I noticed that too. Looks like the new hardware is doing a fine job. Thanks for letting me know how it's working for you. That helps a great deal. :salute:
There's still a little more work to do on the new server but it shouldn't affect anything that you would see. It might even help things a little more. We'll see.
They just haven't got all the software installed yet.

Apparently they had a pretty bad mess after that lightening strike. They say it was a direct hit. OUCH!! !*00*!
Then to find the hard drives about to fail, so they were trying to fix the mess from the lightening, while at the same time trying to build a new rack, and to add to the problems they got a bad batch of RAM and had to wait for new batch to come in.

I'm just glad it was them and not me. ^**lylgh
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Re: Slowness and DNS problems Unread post

Some problems again, at least from here. Couldn't reach the site for a couple of hours.
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Re: Slowness and DNS problems Unread post

That might be due to the new IP addresses propagating. They had to assign new IP addresses to the new server and it can sometimes take up to 72 hours to fully propagate the Internet (they just sent the reverse DNS out today. Not sure of the exact time). If it was down for you for a couple of hours and now it's working that most likely means the IP's have propagated to all the servers in between you and the Data Center in Atlanta, GA.
That means that should be the end of it for you. Should be smooth tracks from here on out.

Thanks for the info. :salute:
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