So I'm just trying to get access to the archives...

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So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

And I got I.P banned, realizing that my account on here and the account on the archives are not the same thing, and I did not realize you needed private assess to the archives.

Is there anyone who can help me? Everything I've read on Trainmaster looks superb, and it saddens me so much security must be put in place to protect these files. Sounds like it'll make the game a RT 3.5 of sorts. Would love to run it.
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

The log in to the files is different than the forum. Follow the steps in this post to get access: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3607 Hawk will then get back to you. He may take a couple days to set it up though for you.

Unfortunately, when the files were open for all to download some people/bots downloaded everything and created bandwidth overages.

Note for Hawk: The TM page has the .msi installation file listed as version 1.1. It's actually version 1.0, and requires a small patch to 1.1. (The patch removes end dates for locomotives).
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

I've tried to do such, but it simply says I have an invalid email, when I don't. It could be from the I.P ban.
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

I'm not sure if certain email hosts aren't allowed, you may want to send Hawk a PM on the forum then with the information he requested in that thread I linked to in my previous post, if the contact page isn't working with your email.
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

I don't see any reason for your email address to be blocked, if you're using the same one you used to register for the forums.
If your IP address is blocked, there is a link on that page that tells you it's blocked that you can click on to get your IP address. Then just email it to me, or send it to me via PM and I'll remove it from the blocked list.

As for registering for the downloads section, just follow the criteria in the link that Blackhawk gave you in his first post in this thread.
Blackhawk wrote:Note for Hawk: The TM page has the .msi installation file listed as version 1.1. It's actually version 1.0, and requires a small patch to 1.1. (The patch removes end dates for locomotives).
Thanks for pointing that out Bh. There's nothing i can do about it right now. I'm still using the library computer, but we may be getting a place to live later this week, in which case I can fix that once I get my computer back and set up again (boy do I miss it), that is - if I remember. ^**lylgh
Maybe you can help me remember later. ;-)
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

Sure I'll try to remind you of it once you get settled again. That is, if I remember too! !hairpull!

Good to hear you might have found a place that you can move into soon. I imagine it's been a rough few weeks.
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

I tried once again, and I received the message, 'Error! Your email address is malformed." I'm pretty sure I know my own email address!

I'll private message you, Mr. Hawk. My desire to play Trainmaster is bubbling after after a decade of not playing Railroad Tycoon 3. I'm shocked they never made a four, considering with modern computers the games would be beautiful to behold. I remember playing RT 3 on a single core family computer. Ten years later, a job, and a thousand dollar gaming computer... a bit overkill for RT 3. Just makes planning a train empire easier on a 23 inch monitor.
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

KiltedKey wrote:I tried once again, and I received the message, 'Error! Your email address is malformed." I'm pretty sure I know my own email address!
That's strange. **!!!** I'm sure you know your own email address, and since it's a Gmail address, it shouldn't come up malformed, unless you're typing it in wrong, which I'm sure you're not.
There's been a ton of people that have registered with Gmail addresses.
Blackhawk wrote:Sure I'll try to remind you of it once you get settled again. That is, if I remember too! !hairpull!
I hear ya'. ^**lylgh
Blackhawk wrote:Good to hear you might have found a place that you can move into soon. I imagine it's been a rough few weeks.
Yep! It sure has. My wife and I both hate staying with friends, as much as we appreciate the hospitality of our friend, there's no place like home. :mrgreen:
I just found out today it looks like it's going to be the first of next week now before the place is ready. !hairpull!
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

Blackhawk wrote:Note for Hawk: The TM page has the .msi installation file listed as version 1.1. It's actually version 1.0, and requires a small patch to 1.1. (The patch removes end dates for locomotives).
I don't believe I have the 1.1 patch.
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

I'm pretty sure the 1.1 patch is the file that's listed a couple above the MSI file on the TM download page. So all that really needs to be done is just the minor change of renaming the .msi to 1.0 instead of 1.1.
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

Oh! OK! Got'cha. :salute:

Edit 1: Got it fixed.
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

I'm still unable to login to the archives. Says my IP is blocked. At least the forum works :-)
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

CeeBee wrote:I'm still unable to login to the archives. Says my IP is blocked. At least the forum works :-)
That may be because you tried to login to the archives with your forum account info. After 3 failed login attempts your IP address is automatically blocked.

I'll check the IP address listed for you from this post and see if it's in the blocked list.

BTW! On the page that told you your IP address was blocked, there's a link you can click on that will tell you what your IP address is, as well as instructions on how to get it unblocked. ;-)

Edit 1: I unblocked the IP address listed for this post. You should be able to access the archives now. If not, read the instructions shown on the page that tells you your IP address is blocked.
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

Thanks for trying but no luck. Guess I'm blocked with this IP no matter what. O well **!!!**
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The Big Dawg
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

Well, somehow you managed to get your IP blocked again. Are you sure you're entering your login info correctly? Remember, you had to pick a different username than what you use for the forum, and usernames and passwords are case sensitive.

I'll send you an email with a screenshot of your archives account info.
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

Well, whatever I/you did worked this time. The only thing I did different is not use the windows placed user name(which seemed correct) but erased it and re-typed it. The password I always retype anyway. I've done this stuff a ton of times elsewhere and normally don't have problems, even with using the windows username and password minder. Anyway, thanks for fixing it so many times for me. Now I'm trying to remember if I really want to install 1.06 patch. Seems to me in my previous experience I stayed with /or went back to 1.05. Guess I have a lot of reading up to do. Amazing what close to 8 years away from here has done to my memory :lol: :shock: :-D
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Re: So I'm just trying to get access to the archives... Unread post

If you're interested in the 1.06 patch, I recommend reading this topic about multiple installs of RT3.


That way you'll have separate 1.05 and 1.06 installs.
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