Let's keep it all together!

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The Big Dawg
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

thegrindre wrote:I only see it at the Board Index.
That's the only place it shows it.
thegrindre wrote:I cannot PM you. I can only reply.
Let me look into that.
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

Count me as one who likes the pics and person's info on the left. Plus I'm left-handed.

ferroequines? Iron horses? Ooooh, ok I get it. !**yaaa
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

Looks cool, Hawk! I'll have to poke around a bit so I can get used to it :-D .
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

KevinL wrote:Count me as one who likes the pics and person's info on the left. Plus I'm left-handed.

ferroequines? Iron horses? Ooooh, ok I get it. !**yaaa
Go into your UCP and in the Board Preferences change the style to subsilver2. Then it will be on the left. ;-)
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

Like the new look, Hawk!

But! I was wondering if you might incorporate some small icon at the top to indicate this is a Railroad Forum.

Maybe some sort of Rail Logo from your neck of the woods, I guess it would have to be in keeping with the color scheme you
got in the header, i.e. maybe a darker blue? Do you think if you was to put it in a box left of your <phpBB> logo it might look ok?

Now, please don't get pissed at me, this is JUST a suggestion!!

All the best of the Season to you all if saying this here is politically correct, ha! ha!
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

Whelp, as I've said in a few post this morning, I just installed this version and haven't had a chance to do any modding yet. I've spent the last 6 hours just trying to get the board to work right. There's a plethora of settings and options in the Admin Control Panel that I had to go through. *!*!*!
It will probably be a couple of days before I'll have a chance to do any modding. There's still a couple of issues I'm trying to get worked out with the hosting service and Christmas is upon us.
I'll most likely use the image that was at the old forum, my logo
hb_logo2.gif (7.73 KiB) Viewed 6063 times
since that's what's used throughout the rest of the web site.
'Course that will come with some color changes I plan on. :-D
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post


And don't forget about the date it appears we are one day ahead, it is showing the 25 Dec!!
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

Stafford wrote:Perfect!!

And don't forget about the date it appears we are one day ahead, it is showing the 25 Dec!!
Where? It's showing the 24th everywhere I see.
You might need to go into your User Control Panel and set the time zone.

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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

It's certainly different, but maybe that's a good thing :-D No problems to report, smooth change Hawk! I like it.
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

I have two comments right now (I reserve the right to have many, many more in the future!).

First, I have a hard time seeing the user's names next to the posts; I'm using the subsilver2 theme, and the user names are a pure green which doesn't contract much with the grey background. Plus, the font size seems like it could be larger. A bolder or bigger font, or a darker color (darker green, or maybe indigo or maroon) would help.

Second, where are all the links?!? I miss having links to the rest of your pages, Hawk. I trust that this is not something you were forgetting about, just deferring until later. But it would be good to have at least one link to your other pages, especially the User-made RRT3 content (showing my bias).

Finally, as I am looking at it right now via my Safari browser, the subheading at the top of the page, under "Hawk & Badger Railroad Forum", it has a sentence with a <br /> in the middle of it, which I would guess is supposed to break the sentence into two lines.

For the record, I really prefer user info on the left side, too.
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

WPandP wrote:I have two comments right now (I reserve the right to have many, many more in the future!).
Rights reserved. :-D
WPandP wrote:First, I have a hard time seeing the user's names next to the posts; I'm using the subsilver2 theme, and the user names are a pure green which doesn't contract much with the grey background. Plus, the font size seems like it could be larger. A bolder or bigger font, or a darker color (darker green, or maybe indigo or maroon) would help.
I'm still trying to scratch my way around this new coding but I do plan on increasing the font size real soon. The main slow down on changing the font size is; subsilver2 has basically 1 stylesheet with 33 different font size settings. The pro series have 17 stylesheets, each with several font size settings. It's a matter of figuring out which settings affect which part of the board and if changing the font size is going to affect anything else on the board as far as borders, margins, etc.
And then there's the html sheets. Subsilver2 has 95 html sheets alone. !*00*! 'Course not all of them need editing but I'm still trying to figure out which ones do need editing. :roll:
I can change that color too. Just need to find one that's universally legible since that particular option is universal per usergroup and not style specific.
WPandP wrote:Second, where are all the links?!? I miss having links to the rest of your pages, Hawk. I trust that this is not something you were forgetting about, just deferring until later. But it would be good to have at least one link to your other pages, especially the User-made RRT3 content (showing my bias).
Haven't got around to adding them yet. Again it's a matter of learning where all the proper code goes.
WPandP wrote:Finally, as I am looking at it right now via my Safari browser, the subheading at the top of the page, under "Hawk & Badger Railroad Forum", it has a sentence with a <br /> in the middle of it, which I would guess is supposed to break the sentence into two lines.
I was trying to break that line into two lines but where I added the <br /> obviously didn't work. :lol: It's gone now but I still want to break that line into two. Just need to figure out how to do it.
WPandP wrote:For the record, I really prefer user info on the left side, too.
I know how to move the user info to the left in the pro series but I'm still undecided whether I want to or not. I'm kinda' getting used to it on the right in the pro series. The subsilver2 style has it on the left.
I do plan on doing some coloring on the subsilver style too. I'd like to make it look more like the old board. Hopefully all this will happen in time. :roll:
There's a few other things I want to improve on as well. It's just going to take some time.
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

Forum looks great..... but then I only just got here :lol:
Hi Gwizz, JSS, Hawk and the rest of the guys from RRT2 days. (0!!0)
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

Welcome aboard CeeBee. (*!!wel Long time no see. :-D
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

Hi CeeBee, great to hear from you again.
As you might have noticed we also have a Trainz spot.
Since you are/were very much into Trainz can you fill us in as to what is going on there?
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

WPandP wrote:I'm using the subsilver2 theme, and the user names are a pure green which doesn't contract much with the grey background.
How's that? Any better?
Still working on the font size.
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

JSS wrote:Hi CeeBee, great to hear from you again.
As you might have noticed we also have a Trainz spot.
Since you are/were very much into Trainz can you fill us in as to what is going on there?
Trainz is a past thing for me. Just got burned out I guess and am now getting my kicks with SMR and even giving RRT3 another go.
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

The board is really looking good, Hawk!!

These tweeks you've done over the last couple of days
sure made a difference. And moving the member info back over,
maybe I'm just used to it over there on the left but it looks good.
I got the board set up to show up in 'prosilver2' + with your silver grey
logo up there now on the header they go together very well.
Like the idea of the <on-line-flag> up in the corner it pops out at ya.

Thanks for all your hard work "best site on the net!!"

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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

Thanks Bob. Appreciate the kind words. !$th_u$!

Actually the member info on the right is the default location for the pro series. It's on the left by default in the subsilver2 style.
Right now I'm concentrating my efforts on the pro series styles. I'm in the process of adding some site links at the top, next to the 'Board Index' link. I've finished the progray style. Just need to get them added in the other pro series styles.
I've also centered the description in the header and split it to two lines instead of one long line.
I hope to have the rest of the pro series done tonight as far as adding the links and centering the description. Next I want to work on resizing the fonts so they're bigger.
One step at a time. :-D

Edit 1: Oops! Scratch being done with the links. I just noticed that when you're inside a forum there's two more default links added and that moves the site links over. I may have to move them down to the next box.

Edit 2: Got that fixed. :-D
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

Remember when we all supported you and said whatever you want to do with your forum we would be ok with? And now we're full of "suggestions" for your forum. :lol: :lol:

Thank you for all your hard work on this. !$th_u$! This forum is the best for RRT information!
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Re: Let's keep it all together! Unread post

Without y'alls suggestions this might be a pretty boring place to look at.
Just please understand, the coding in this version is driving me up the wall. Just when I think I've got something looking good I check it at a different screen resolution and end up spending another hour fixing what I just did. (smack))))
It's a vicious circle I tell ya'. *!*!*!
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