Hello everyone!

New Members! Please stop by here and introduce yourselves.

Hello everyone! Unread post

After lurking around these forums for a few years, i finally decided to join. I've been playing RRT in one form or another for over a decade now. I started with the original version on 5.25 inch floppies and got hooked immediately. Anyway, it's great to be a part of a community that shares the same interests. thanks

Grandma Ruth
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Re: Hello everyone! Unread post

(*!!wel Glad to know you! What's the picture? -my old eyes can't make it out.
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Re: Hello everyone! Unread post

Welcome aboard! (*!!wel Always nice to see new members signing up. :-D
I don't drive a dogsled to work, I don't live in an igloo, and we're the SECOND LARGEST COUNTRY ON EARTH!!!
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Hello everyone! Unread post

Another (*!!wel aboard!

Always good to see more fellow tycooners hopping (or is it hoping?) on the train. :salute:

Make yourself at home. We're a bunch of friendly folks here and don't bite too hard. ^**lylgh
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Re: Hello everyone! Unread post

Hi Rudy - Glad to have you on board. Looks like that loco made pretty short work of the truck (at least that's what I see). There's a move afoot to create our own RT game. Do you have any special computer/modding skills?
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Re: Hello everyone! Unread post

Welcome Rudy.

That picture looks like a 40 era truck parked somewhat carelessly next to an early diesel.
Grandma Ruth
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Re: Hello everyone! Unread post

I can see it now - I'm at work and my monitor's a bit better than the one at home!
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Re: Hello everyone! Unread post

:salute: Welcome aboard! I got started on railroad tycooning in late 2003, with the release of RRT3. I have been hooked ever since. In my opinion, this is the best of all the railroad tycooning websites. I'm sure you will like it. I have enjoyed it thoroughly. My favorite part is the strategy suggestions. I am also glad to see that the members of this site are thinking about making an RRT4. While I may have a lot of good ideas for one, I don't think I would have the necessary computer skills.
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Re: Hello everyone! Unread post

Hawk wrote:
Always good to see more fellow tycooners hopping (or is it hoping?) on the train. :salute:
Its hopping. Hoping is hope + ing. !*th_up*!

We're a great group of people Rudy. You'll find lots of things to download in the User Content section that will keep you entertained for hours.
Computer: 3.2GHz i3, 6.0GB Ram, 1.5TB HD, Win7, RRT3:1.06, SMRR:1.10
Currently playing: RRT3 - Campaign Scenerios
Currently creating: RRT3 - Southwest scenerio
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Hello everyone! Unread post

Thanks Kevin. That's what I thought but wasn't sure. :mrgreen:
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