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Unread post by Elliott »

Hi all

I've been lurking these forums a few weeks and thought I may as well join.

I am 23 and from England. I've played Railroad Tycoon on and off for years. I vaguely remember getting Railroad Tycoon 2 in my pre-teens and have played it on off for a long time, until I got Windows XP.

Last year I got cravings for it and when I spotted it in Game as part of a 3 for a tenner deal, I knew I had to. That was despite recently being put off by a railroad demo game, which I have now realised was Sid Meier's railroads, which I understand is somewhat derided here.

I'm no expert at the game. The Stock Markets confound me beyond buy when cheap. The industry side of the game I could probably manage - if I cared. I much prefer laying down miles of track and having the traIns wizzing round. So I struggle with those sorts of scenarios, those needing micromanagement. It was a blessing for me the way the economy works in RR3, compared to RR2, but still it doesn't always work to your advantage!

Thus when I came across the evil orient express scenario, that makes me yearn for the RR2 version, I have found, initially, Hawk's walkthrough, and laterly, these forums, very insightful.

I never actually played through all the scenarios in RR3 before, so when I finally do that, I look forward to sampling some of the user made maps around here too.

Anyway, that's me, hi all, see you around.
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Re: Hello

Unread post by nedfumpkin »

Welocme aboard!

Since you don't like cargo micro-management, I'd advise you to avoid Trainmaster for a while. But we still like you anyways. :)
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Re: Hello

Unread post by Elliott »

I could get into it I suppose, just need to find the time. I wasn't planning on going near Trainmaster just yet, sounds too challenging for me!

It's all well and good being challenged, but there becomes a point where it starts to get tedious, at least for me. I like easy :)
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Re: Hello

Unread post by Hawk »

(*!!wel aboard Elliot. make yourself at home.

Have you tried any of arop's or Orange46's scenarios. They're mostly about building rail lines and running trains, although there might be a few extra requirements involved with the maps. ;-)
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Re: Hello

Unread post by Gwizz »

Welcome aboard. (0!!0)

I'm curious when you played RRT2 did you have drop shipping as part of your version or did you use the original RRT2 version.
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Re: Hello

Unread post by Blackhawk »

Welcome. Given the level of micromanaging at times in RT2 I'm surprised you made your way back and found RT3. Hopefully you'll find some scenarios here that suit your railroading desires. And I'll agree with Ned, if you aren't a fan of lots of cargo and industry, you may want to avoid Trainmaster for a bit. Although the level of actual micromanagement really varies with each of the scenarios.
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Re: Hello

Unread post by OilCan »

If you like 'laying down miles of track' then try Eastern Canada, Parana-Brazil, K's Grand Bay and K's Scenic Trip. These four games are nothing but laying rail. Now if you like games which are nothing but hauling cargo (no economy), then try Farewell to Steam, Crystal Cotton, Mighty Meiji, Pacific NW or Alternate USA. If you like both laying down rail and hauling cargo, there are 23 games to choose from. Search for the games you like at this post: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2237
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Re: Hello

Unread post by Hawk »

Thanks for posting that link OilCan. That should help out. :salute:
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Re: Hello

Unread post by Elliott »

Thanks for all your suggestions and comments!

Gwizz - I did have The Second Century add-on game which had the cargo dropping feature. I remember when I used that, I did find it useful. Thing is though, on RT2, cargo was more definite, it was either there or it wasn't, so even though there was micromanagement, it was clearer. You HAD to take coal and iron to that steel mill to make use of it, so I did it, whereas on most maps I've encountered on RT3, you'll get steel out of that mill regardless.

However, I did prefer the original RT2 to the add-on. But part of that was I found start ups in games based late in the second century hard. I much preferred the scenarios using early trains etc. But if it were me now, I'd probably be fine - I'm older than then and maybe a bit wiser... nah...

Blackhawk - although there was micromanagement, this wasn't the case for most scenarios so I could still enjoy it.

My favourite scenarios have always been the connect here to there ones, such as the RT2 Canada map, Orient Express, the Alpine one with the cargo, they were great. I didn't like so much the industry based ones, and still don't.

Great to meet you all, and I'll be sure to check those maps out once I've got through the game designed ones!
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Re: Hello

Unread post by Sugus »

Welcome aboard, Elliott.

I think you should play the scenario 'Scrimshaw' from Taleisin!
There's no business like RT business ...
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