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Forum Guidelines!

New Members! Please stop by here and introduce yourselves.
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The Big Dawg
Posts: 6504
Joined: Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:28 am
Location: North Georgia - USA

Forum Guidelines!

Unread post by Hawk »

Forum Guidelines

First and foremost, I'd like to Welcome you to the Hawk & Badger Railroad Forums, a gathering place for rail enthusiasts and the games we like to play.

As with any public message board, certain guidelines need to be established to help insure that your visit is a friendly, enjoyable experience, and to allow you the most benefit for your time spent here. The Board Administrator will make every effort to maintain a pleasant atmosphere to encourage your continuing participation.

Please take a few minutes to read the following guidelines so you can help us keep the community growing.

Spamming will not be tolerated

General Posting:
  • Guests may view topics, but registration is required before starting new topics or posting in the forums.
  • Try to keep your posts more or less on topic. This isn't enforced too strictly, but please keep it in mind.
  • You can always start another topic if you want to go off on a tangent.
  • This site caters for a range of people, and we try to make them all welcome.
  • Please watch your language. Any words deemed inappropriate by the Administrator will be edited.
  • The Administrator is somewhat lazy. Extensive editing is not favoured, and may result in a warning being issued.
  • Discussion of religion, politics, or highly controversial subjects is not allowed. Which leads to the next point.
  • Flaming, abuse, and otherwise derogatory remarks toward other members are not acceptable conduct.
  • It doesn't matter who started it. Offending posts will be edited or deleted, and a warning will be issued.
  • Polls are allowed in the "Polls" forums only.
  • Image posting is allowed, however inappropriate material (obscene, pornographic, gore, etc.) will not be tolerated.
    Material of this nature will be deleted and the poster will be warned or banned, depending on the circumstances.
  • Images should preferably be 1024 pixels or less in width, and in jpg format. Large images, in dimensions or file sizes, should be zipped to attach to a post. This is to help out the dial-up members, and to keep from having to scroll horizontally.
  • Animated gifs are allowed, within reason. Large gifs can be annoying. They tend to be distracting while trying to read messages. Small animated gifs are OK.
  • Personal avatars are allowed. There are a range of avatars provided (go to User Control Panel > Profile > Edit Avatar and select from the available options).
  • Linking to an avatar and/or uploading an avatar is also permitted. The size is limited to 100 x 100 pixels, and 32 kilobytes.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to review these Guidelines.
I hope you enjoy your visit to the Hawk & Badger Railroad Forum. (0!!0)

Edited by Gumboots - November 8th 2019.