Here I am

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Here I am Unread post

After being fed up with the increasing bickering over things as silly as HELP! being attacked as shouting, it was time to leave the Train Sim forum to the radicals. !*th_dwn*!

I've been using MSTS since it first came out and played around with building route objects. With TSModeler, I set about designing detailed bridges and other objects improving on them as I learned how to use the program to its full advantage.

Current route is working with Mike, Vince, Kyle, Maya, and several others on refining and finishing the massive PRR Eastern Division route.

I took on the challenge of building the Forth Rail Bridge when other said it couldn't be done. Current project is to tackle the huge Sydney Harbor bridge for an Australian route that has two tracks crossing it. Additional projects are to upgrade my submissions and add new ones to this forum library. I have already upgraded the last submission to Train-Sim and added the curved stone bridges along with berms to this library. Objects being used in the PRR Eastern route such as billboards, graffiti, PRR style gantry poles, large rock faces, houses under construction, and others are being made available here. I will be bringing over the latest bridge kits as soon as I upgrade them to the PRR standard.

At age 62, I am now retired thanks to the Michigan economy. This leaves lots of time for modeling in both MSTS and my HO models. !*th_up*!
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Here I am Unread post

(*!!wel aboard Ron. Good to see another MSTSer here. There's not many at all. Maybe with you joining others will stop by.

!$th_u$! for allowing your great models to be added to the MSTS library here.

If the need arises I'll be more than happy to add new forums to the MSTS category.
Grandma Ruth
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Re: Here I am Unread post

Glad to have you with us. Don't have MSTS myself, but I know we have a couple of experts here. :-)
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Re: Here I am Unread post

(*!!wel Aboard!

I'm a Railroad Tycooner personally, but there's a whole bunch of people who know a lot about pretty much everything.

See you around! :-D
I don't drive a dogsled to work, I don't live in an igloo, and we're the SECOND LARGEST COUNTRY ON EARTH!!!
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Re: Here I am Unread post


Need to get busy with a quick project upgrading a pair of billboards so the end user can add some custom made signs.

I made the announcement this morning that I am done posting at Train-Sim and where they can find me if they need some help.

The avatar is for real. It was from a photo taken in 1965. The horse was trained to stand on the rocking platform. You could also ride him with no saddle or bridle. You controlled him with the mane, voice commands, and your body weight. My horses are now of the mini size. They take a lot less room to keep.
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