New Kid on the Block

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MArk S
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New Kid on the Block Unread post

Hey everyone,
I bought RRT3 in December because I was bored during finals week. Since then I've probably played more hours than eating, working, and sleeping combined. Not quite, but still a lot.
As a kid, I loved trains. It has kind of come and gone since then, but this game sort of fulfills the desire to have an amazing model layout. It doesn't take long to build a great setup and all it costs is your social life!

I'm a professional student at Kansas State in a fairly easy major, but have to stop playing until 4 am or I'll never graduate.

These emoticons on the right are kind of freaking me out right now...

MArk S
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Re: New Kid on the Block Unread post

Welcome to the forum!

You'll find we're a friendly bunch of addicts. Some of us are having more fun creating mod content for the game than actually playing it, but there's plenty that bring their A-game here and refine their tycooning tactics regularly. And, don't worry, none of the rest of us have a social life, either! Aside from Hawk, that is... he's Mr. Socialite, always attending Balls and enjoying the opera, hobnobbing with the elite...
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Re: New Kid on the Block Unread post

Welcome aboard! I have had this game for five years and have found it quite addictive. My wife and kids are always criticizing me about how much time I spend on it. A problem with my computer has prevented me from playing RT3 for over a month now. I am going to have to get it fixed soon or else I might start having withdrawal syndromes!

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Re: New Kid on the Block Unread post

Welcome to the forum Mark. As WP said, were a bunch of friendly addicts here, and I'm pretty sure you'll find these train nuts to be quite helpful too. :mrgreen:
WPandP wrote:And, don't worry, none of the rest of us have a social life, either! Aside from Hawk, that is... he's Mr. Socialite, always attending Balls and enjoying the opera, hobnobbing with the elite...
Me? Mr. Socialite? ^**lylgh I'm about as anti-social as they come. I'm so busy at the computer I don't even have time to play RRT3 anymore, much less socialize (not that I want to much anyway ;-) )
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Re: New Kid on the Block Unread post

(*!!wel Aboard!
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Re: New Kid on the Block Unread post

:-D Yeah - a big welcome - you're ****** right about it being addictive ! !hairpull!
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