All aboaaard!

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All aboaaard! Unread post

Hi there folks!

This is rognas from up north in Sweden calling. New user to this forum, but not new to RRT. I've been playing RRT2 for many years now and finally got my act together and bought both the Steam version and the cd-rom version of RRT3. I was highly extatic when I tumbled into this site. WOW, what a place!!! Look, maps, and new logos, and new trains, and.... WOW.... look at that! This is truly a goldmine. I will try to contribute to this site what I can and when I can, because this site has to stay online for many years more.

See y'all later!

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Re: All aboaaard! Unread post

(*!!wel aboard. This site has been around for years and will most likely be around for many more years to come, yet. !*th_up*!

I'm the MSTS guy so won't be much help with RRT.

Just give your ticket to the conductor as he moseys on by and enjoy the ride...

a.k.a. Rick

At my age, 'Happy Hour' is a nap...
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Re: All aboaaard! Unread post

rognas wrote: WOW, what a place!!! Look, maps, and new logos, and new trains, and.... WOW.... look at that!


I suppose I'll be the first to say it, there is also a new "game" or "mod" to RT3 called Trainmaster as well. So indeed this place is filled with a lot of RT entertainment.

Re: All aboaaard! Unread post

thegrindre wrote: I'm the MSTS guy so won't be much help with RRT.

Just give your ticket to the conductor as he moseys on by and enjoy the ride...

Well, don't say that, thegrindre... You'll never know what you can help out with.. ;-)
My ticket, yea.. ha ha.. funny you mentioned that... My mom was the first female conductor in Sweden :-D so, yeah... I'll show the condudtor my ticket allright.. ^**lylgh If I don't, I'm in for alot of trouble, believe me... :-D

Blackhawk wrote: Welcome,

I suppose I'll be the first to say it, there is also a new "game" or "mod" to RT3 called Trainmaster as well. So indeed this place is filled with a lot of RT entertainment.
Well, thank you for mention that, Blackhawk. I'll most certainly check that out when I have the time to do it. But for now, I'll have to settle with a minute here and a minute there in front of my computer, my kids does NOT allow me to sit and play while they are awake, so I'll just have to wait untill they've gone to sleep... :-?

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Re: All aboaaard! Unread post

Weclome aboard from Sweden...I just watched the Stieg Larssen movies starting with Män som hatar kvinnor. Sweden has some nice trains judging from the flicks.
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Re: All aboaaard! Unread post

I ordered a DVD from the library, over 3 months ago about the trains in your area of the world. I'm still second on the list. I guess the person who has the DVD is not sending it back. I'm leaving my name on the list just in case that person with the DVD realizes the DVD is about 2 months over due and return it. Then hopefully the first person on the list will quickly return it so I can get my turn.

Many years ago I told one of my kids, who was waiting for me to get off the computer, that I needed to wind up the computer before he could use it and it would take a while. :-D
That didn't fool him; But I know what you mean. {,0,}


Re: All aboaaard! Unread post

Thank you all. Most kindly..
nedfumpkin wrote:Weclome aboard from Sweden...I just watched the Stieg Larssen movies starting with Män som hatar kvinnor. Sweden has some nice trains judging from the flicks.
He he.. Yepp, a few cool one's.. and I've ride a few too as a child along with my mom when she was working. She used to check with the allmighty man onboard the locomotive if I could ride along "and honk the siren" for him.. Most of the time the answer was a big grin and "sure, let the kid come up!" It's a lonely place up in the drivers seat.. But, yeah, cool mashines, cool mashines... I'll try to get some pictures for you to see what I've been riding as a kid.
Gwizz wrote:rognas,
I ordered a DVD from the library, over 3 months ago about the trains in your area of the world. I'm still second on the list. I guess the person who has the DVD is not sending it back. I'm leaving my name on the list just in case that person with the DVD realizes the DVD is about 2 months over due and return it. Then hopefully the first person on the list will quickly return it so I can get my turn.

Many years ago I told one of my kids, who was waiting for me to get off the computer, that I needed to wind up the computer before he could use it and it would take a while. :-D
That didn't fool him; But I know what you mean. {,0,}

Well, thank you Gwizz... Let's all help you with this and take out the old rail, tar and feather kit..... a nice little mob should wake him up.... ;-)

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Re: All aboaaard! Unread post

Hej! jeg er dansk, arbejder under pseudonymet Arop, (I'm a retired construction technitian, once having a 5 year civilian job on Thule Air Base, Greenland, working as a draftman with the old fashioned system with feet and inches, (shunned in Europe and by NASA in the US, and at the latest by the British too.). Jeg er en gammel dedikeret jernbaneentusiast (60 år), har mange gange været i Sverige, og elsker at lave kort til RRT3, du kan også finde en normand her på siten (NSB) og en finne (Bombardiere) som iøvrigt har gjort et stort arbejde for at skabe en række nye lok her til spillet, nogle mere vellykkede end andre. SORRY Hawk! I KNOW THAT ENGLISH IS THe LANGAUGE ON YOUR SITE, but Danish, Norwegian and Swedish langauge is very alike the same way as Spanish, Italian and French. G R E A T I N G S- F R O M- S C A N D I N A V I A! :salute:
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Re: All aboaaard! Unread post

Railroad Vikings!

Now this means that I have an idea for a scenario based on the Viking invasions, but using railroads instead of long boats.
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