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Howdy Unread post

Ran across Hawk&Badger while looking for any/all docs on RRT3 particularly pointers on getting RRT3 to work with Win7. I recently grabbed the game and about ready to move on to 1.06 and then Trainmaster.

So far all of my questions have been answered by simply reading old posts so thanks to all for the work you've done over the years answering posts, writing docs, adding content, skins, maps etc.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Howdy Unread post

(*!!wel aboard.

Glad you found what you were looking for and got RT3 to work on Win 7.

Did you see this thread? viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2363
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Re: Howdy Unread post

Welcome aboard and glad you found everything you needed. !!howdy!!
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Re: Howdy Unread post

Welcome and don't hesitate to ask questions.
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Re: Howdy Unread post

Welcome, hope you enjoy all the scenarios you find here and enjoy TM once you figure it out :-)

Re: Howdy Unread post

I may be asking questions soon :). Currently I'm looking at the various threads for migrating the Steam version of RRT3 to 1.06 and TM variants. Ultimately I'd like to have 3 separate installs (as suggested elsewhere) one at each version so I can move back and forth.

I've found various threads (like the one mentioned above) and will give them a try and see how things go.

I like steam in principle but sometimes it can be annoying to work around.

Edit: Well that turned out to be quite easy. The following worked

1) Make 2 copies of RRT3 directory in Steam->steamapps->common directory, rename to indicate 106 and TM versions.
2) replace rt3 1.05 binary in each with one listed here viewtopic.php?f=36&t=2677
3) install 1.06 patch
4) Make desktop link
5) Launch RT3. Was able to load an old 1.05 save game and force a load of 7 sugar from Mobile to somewhere at a loss ...

Edit2: TM was a bit harder due to the extra archives to extract but it's working as well and required essentially the same steps. Now have 1.05, 1.06 and TM versions of the original steam install working under Win7.

Thanks again to those that went before and created the mods. !$th_u$!

I realize in general save games aren't forwards compatible but it worked for a test. Fantastic. Now I can actually move goods where I want them as CEO not where some random in game clerk thinks is viable.
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