Aborts when goes to write to disk

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Aborts when goes to write to disk Unread post

All of a sudden, when I am in a game and go to save a scenario, it aborts to the desk top. I think this started when I tried to play a newly downloaded scenario. I am wondering if the new scenario needed the 1.06 patch, which I was too chicken to try and download. Also the autosave file seems to have gotten corrupted. In any case I am not able to play my favorite game. Help!
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Re: Aborts when goes to write to disk Unread post

toosoonold wrote:I am wondering if the new scenario needed the 1.06 patch, which I was too chicken to try and download.
I assume you're playing Coast to Coast 1.05? If so, a game written and saved from 1.06 won't even show up in your list of scenarios when you start a new scenario. Do you have anti-virus software turned off? Which scenario in particular were you playing? I can check and see if it plays OK on my installation.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Aborts when goes to write to disk Unread post

What Operating System are you running?
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Re: Aborts when goes to write to disk Unread post

toosoonold wrote:All of a sudden, when I am in a game and go to save a scenario, it aborts to the desk top. I think this started when I tried to play a newly downloaded scenario. I am wondering if the new scenario needed the 1.06 patch, which I was too chicken to try and download. Also the autosave file seems to have gotten corrupted. In any case I am not able to play my favorite game. Help!
I may be wrong but your hard disk could also be corrupted. Things like those happened to me when my Samsung F1 HDD (and a little later) OCZ Vertex 3 SSD died. First the computer slowed down in some operations, then I noticed that I had corrupted files and programs therefore crashed, etc. Later the disks died. Overclocking can also cause symptoms like that (data corruption).
AMD Phenom X6 1090T @3.9GHz, 16GB DDR3-1600 RAM, Asus Crosshair Formula IV mb, Radeon HD7870, Samsung 850EVO SSD, M-Audio AP192, Windows 10-64, Railroad Tycoon 3 1.06. & TM, Train Simulator 2016, MSTS + many add-ons, Trainz!
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Re: Aborts when goes to write to disk Unread post

Sorry I should have updated this before I went out of town for the long weekend. I want to thank all those who spent their good time and efforts on this.
I have resolved the problem by uninstalling RRT3, reinstalling off the original CD, then downloading and installing Coast to Coast and V105. I've run a couple of short games since with no problems.
Now I want to research what is V106, and is it safe to download and run? Again thanks to those who posted reply questions so quickly.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Aborts when goes to write to disk Unread post

Is the 1.06 patch safe? Yes! Of course it's safe. !*th_up*!
I would recommend reading this thread on multiple installs though.

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