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Hello all Unread post

I've been lurking for the past week or so after discovering this forum and page. I dusted off an old copy of RRT2 and have been playing that lately, and am (impatiently) waiting for an ebay-purchased copy of RRT3 to arrive. Safe to say I've been bitten by the bug (again). Two questions:
1. I've patched RRT2 - but have not done anything beyond "official" patches. Is there anything I need besides? I don't have TSC, since I haven't found a cheap version anywhere.

2. When RRT3 arrives, what are my first steps? I know there are many patches out. I assume patch up to 1.06 and get started? Anything else I need to know?
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Hello all Unread post

(*!!wel aboard. :salute:

The first thread I would suggest reading is this topic about multiple installs: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2363

Then, before you do any installing, if you're running Vista or Win 7, read these threads.

viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2302 for Win 7

viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2131 for Vista, although both topics may apply to either version.

As for RT2, There's really not a lot of extra stuff available for it, other than the patches. I would suggest looking for a copy of RT2 Gold though, instead of TSC. The Gold version is the last one they released.

Also, most of the RT2 crowd hangs out over at The Terminal http://forum.dune2k.com/forum/56-the-terminal/ , but there's a lot of maps available for it right here in the archives. http://hawkdawg.com/rrt/rrt2/rrt2.htm, not to mention all the stuff available for RT3 in the archives here http://hawkdawg.com/rrt/rrt3/rrt3.htm .

Once you get your head wrapped around the installation of RT3, and browse through all the extras available, you might also be interested in Trainmaster viewforum.php?f=69 , an advanced version of RT3 developed by our own NedFumpkin, and a few others in the community.
TM is a much more advanced version of RT3, and a bit more difficult to play.

That ought to hold you for a while. :mrgreen:

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. We're all gluten's for punishment when it comes to helping out newbies. ;-) (0!!0)

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Re: Hello all Unread post

Welcome aboard.

I do recommend you install 1.05 and 1.06 as two installations though. TM can come later on.
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