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Hi everyone! Unread post

Greetings - Gregor from Cambridge, England here.

I've had RT3 since it came out and I think I've played it three or four times over the years 'cos I think it's a rollicking good game and I always seem to get it out and give it a spin.

This time though I was half way through the rocky mountain scenario and thought I'd look around see if there were any fan sites out there and find out a bit more about the game and see if I could play it better - found OilCan's fantastic handbook here. All I can say is that I've just about wiped the floor with any opposition after reading it and it's opened my eyes to a lot of things not least that I didn't really know just how good this game is.

So good is that handbook in fact that I can hardly imagine needing to ask any questions here or anything, so I thought I'd join up anyway to say thanks, it must have taken some effort to put together.

I'm still playing on 1.0 original copy so I've got the new patches to look into and of course the Trainmaster mod.

Is there any discussion here about a new version of this game or is the subject done to death and going nowhere?
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Re: Hi everyone! Unread post

Welcome to the forums, and as you'll notice there are many player designed scenarios to play once you get done with the RT3 campaign maps.

You may also be interested in this thread about multiple installations of RT3. Many of us here have a 1.05 version and a 1.06 version installed. I had a 1.05, 1.06, and TM version. This way you can play which ever variation of the game you want anytime. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2363

I've helped proofread Oilcan's guidebook to making a scenario and that was filled with good information, so he definitely does put out quality work that is quite helpful.

As for talk of a new game, that's pretty much a dead subject. The closest we've gotten is TM which is enjoyable and a more complicated version of RT3. I think the gaming industry and Sid Meier moved on from the railroad genre, or at least the RT series.
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Re: Hi everyone! Unread post

(*!!wel aboard, Gregor.

You've finally found the right cummunity concerning this great game. (0!!0)
There's no business like RT business ...
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Re: Hi everyone! Unread post

(*!!wel aboard Gregor. Glad you found something helpful on this site. Yes, Oil Cans handbook is a gold mone of information.

I would like to reiterate BH's comment about multiple installs. 1.05 maps won't play as intended on 1.06 and 1.06 maps won't play at all on 1.05. TM maps will only play in TM, so it's quite beneficial to have three installs of the game. :salute:
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