A heartfelt thanks

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Joined: Fri May 18, 2012 9:01 pm

A heartfelt thanks Unread post

!$th_u$! so much for this site. And to the guys for creating the user maps and the manual and developing Trainmaster.

I keep returning to this game now nearly 10 years after I first got it (and played rrt2 before it). It would surely have died by now if not for this site (you can only play the included maps just so many times/ways).
Currently running the steam version on W7 as I have no idea where the original disks are so I just bought it again (it was peanuts really).
Bit of a lurker rather than poster usually, but had to say hello 'cause you guys deserve to be recognized, especially by those like me that use but don't comment normally :oops:.

Best Regards
London, England.
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Re: A heartfelt thanks Unread post

Hi SteveS, welcome aboard.

I see that you've started to comment now. Maybe you also will start to create maps? (0!!0)
There's no business like RT business ...
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri May 18, 2012 9:01 pm

Re: A heartfelt thanks Unread post

Sugus wrote:Hi SteveS, welcome aboard.

I see that you've started to comment now. Maybe you also will start to create maps? (0!!0)

You never know, I had a look in the editor and it's all a bit of a mystery to me. But when I have some time on my hands I might have a go, don't hold your breath though *!*!*!.
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