Greetings and Hallucinations... err Salutations

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Capn Twisted
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Greetings and Hallucinations... err Salutations Unread post

Hey Found you guys through the forum at Much thanks Hawk, for the welcome, the files, the forum etc.

Speaking of... my intro:
I have been a long time Sid Meier fan since I first set eyes on Railroad Tycoon, which was just shortly after switching from a TSR 80 and Commodore 64, to a Tandy 1000.

My wife got sick of watching me play RRT2 over and over again... so the year my youngest son was born, she gave me RRT3 fro Christmas.... it's been put away a couple of times but always comes back out. it's just recently though that I discovered this community, and the maps and skins and... well lets just say it's a good thing my wife and I are already divorced... she thought I spent a lot of time on it THEN

I have to say though... I really didn't expect to find ANYTHING remotely current... even the main RRT3 site is gone. I had assumed that I would find some old non-maintained archives on free hosting or hosting for life sites. I was pleasantly surprised that there are still people playing it, and developing for it, some 4+ years later.

Anyway... very late here I have to jet, but thanks to everyone who keeps places like these going. I can probably play for another 10 years with the stuff I have found here and other places.
I have had a fascination with trains since I was a child. My Uncle worked at the railyards in Winnipeg shunting cars, and I can remember a few times when he took me up in the engine with him :) As an older child in the late 70's/early 80's he took me on a ride on a train pulled by a steam engine. I recall a certificate, which my mom may still have, stating that I had ridden on Canada's (or was it Ontario's or North America's... I'll have to see if I can find the certificate or if my Uncle remembers) last running Steam Engine... or something to that effect. It would have been somewhere in Southern Ontario/Western new York, as we lived in that area then and I don't recall it being a particularly long journey.

Also, my Step uncle Gene owned and operated a train at Crystal beach Park Video Here(3.3 megs for the bandwidth conscious). Thats my cousin Sandy driving the train in the beginning, and Gene at the end of that clip. As far as I can gather by talking with Sandy, Gene GAVE the train to some people he thought were going to restore/display it for train enthusiasts, but ended up using it as a ride elsewhere... flim flammed... though I could be wrong on that. At any rate, it sat in storage for years after the park closed, and he no longer has it.

Anyway once again !$th_u$! this place is awesome!
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Re: Greetings and Hallucinations... err Salutations Unread post

(*!!wel aboard Cap'n. Always good to meet new members.

I'd like to suggest reading a couple of threads that may help you to a more enjoyable, personal experience here.
One gives a little info about the UCP (Users Control Panel) and can be found at this link. viewtopic.php?f=49&t=920
The other details some new BBCode that's been added. viewtopic.php?f=52&t=930

Also you might want to look through the various threads about the New Forum Design, found at this link. viewforum.php?f=48
It will give you some ideas about how to utilize the forum software.

I'd also like to recommend reading the Forum Guidelines forum, found here. viewforum.php?f=10 Some general info about forum use can be found there. :-D

Again, Welcome aboard! Make yourself at home and enjoy. :salute:

I'm not hallucinating am I. You really did start this thread, right?. *!*!*! ^**lylgh
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Capn Twisted
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Re: Greetings and Hallucinations... err Salutations Unread post

'm not hallucinating am I. You really did start this thread, right?
What thread? !*00*! (0!!0) ^**lylgh
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Re: Greetings and Hallucinations... err Salutations Unread post

Hi Cap'n :salute:
I can tell you're going to fit right in here!
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Re: Greetings and Hallucinations... err Salutations Unread post

For anyone who may not know this, the locomotive in the video is powered by the front and rear trucks, making it a very powerful locomotive. Similar in power to a diesel locomotive of the same size. The single axle drivers are not powered.
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Capn Twisted
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Re: Greetings and Hallucinations... err Salutations Unread post

Gwizz wrote:For anyone who may not know this, the locomotive in the video is powered by the front and rear trucks, making it a very powerful locomotive. Similar in power to a diesel locomotive of the same size. The single axle drivers are not powered.
Hmm I didn't know that... course I was in my teens and interested in other things by the time the park closed :( I only got to really experience 2 years of it. It's a shame he no longer has it. I never see gene anymore, though I see Sandy from time to time. I wonder if they still have the uniforms.

Thanks for the welcome everyone... I guess I'll fit in if y'all are a bunch of people with warped senses of humor and a general distrust of anything "new and improved" (unless it's my pc) ;)
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