Map cretions troubles

Ins and Outs of Creating the Map
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Map cretions troubles Unread post

I write this topic with some questions on map creation.
I hope answers can help other users in trouble as me... ^^

1) I want to create an historical map with history of italian railroads. I want to modified (making a copy...obviously...^^) Italy map, adding some cities, but I don't know how set cities names. I want to add Portici near Naples (first railroad on Italy, Naples-Portici, about 7km long), what can I do this?

Thanks for help.
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Re: Map cretions troubles Unread post

While in the editor, click on the build station icon, then click on the list button (as if you were going to build an industry). At the very top there should be an option to "Add city" and you'll be able to add a city and name it. If you build a city, and later want to rename it you can click the blue city "marker/place holder" on the map and that will bring up the city/region page and allow you to rename it.
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Re: Map cretions troubles Unread post

2) I've tried to use Italy map, but it has too much mountains. I need a flat map, I've tried to follow microdem tutorial, but it's too difficult for me. Is there another simple method to create external maps?
Thanks for help.
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Re: Map cretions troubles Unread post

You can try the RT3 map builder option as well. It was on some of the original RT3 cds, but it is also available on Hawk's website. ... l?file=002

You can use that to make a TIF image to use in RT3. When the RT3 editor asks if you want to make a map from scratch or from an image, you would then use the image you created from this map builder.
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Re: Map cretions troubles Unread post

For now I've solved trouble using an hand drawing map, this is first result:

[img][IMG] ... 40prev.jpg[/img]

Uploaded with[/img]

Napoli-Portici was first railorad on Italy, started on 1839. It was about 7 km long. Then railroad came on Castellamare di Stabia, on 1842, then on Pompei and Nocera on 1844. Locomotive was a Longridge named Vesuvio, then a Bayard.

For building locomotive I've some troubles, I don't know how make them... :oops: , I hope that some are on game... :-D

What do yout think of this project? Is a good idea?

If someone want to test this map, I'm very glad to upload it.
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Re: Map cretions troubles Unread post

Ciao Lalla
(and welcome, by the way!)

Is this a completely flat map??

A completely flat map is hardly "realistic", but it's your choice. Getting a height map from the Internet and "microdem'ing" it is pretty straight forward and I'd be glad to help you with that part. You can start by checking out a recent thread on how the Greece map (currently in beta) appeared (in the map making forum).

Italy was one of my future plans, but I thought railways started in the north - that's because I haven't "investigated" yet. It would be interesting to make a few regional maps for Italy. One for South + Sicily, another for North (Alps to Firenze or so).

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Italy-1840 is not complete. I want make an historical map. Map showed is only first part of project with south railways. I want to use a flat map because I want show only history railways, I recolorit a few, to become it a bit nice...
Now I'm working on Tuscany railsways history. Wikipedia helps me on project... ;)

After making this project I've a dream, make Grand Canyon and Monument Valley maps. I'm follow in love of these places.
So, I've tried to use microdem, but tutorial was too difficult for me. Have you a simple method to make them?
I use maps bring here: (I've used also to make terrain for terragen and I had not troubles).

Thanks for help.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Map cretions troubles Unread post

As Blackhawk mentioned 4 posts up, use the RT3 Map Builder.
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Re: Map cretions troubles Unread post

Hawk wrote:As Blackhawk mentioned 4 posts up, use the RT3 Map Builder.
map builder can be zoomed? Is a bit difficult finding certain places... ;)
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The Big Dawg
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Unfortunately no, it can not be zoomed. :-(
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Re: Map cretions troubles Unread post

Lalla wrote:
Hawk wrote:As Blackhawk mentioned 4 posts up, use the RT3 Map Builder.
map builder can be zoomed? Is a bit difficult finding certain places... ;)
You can look up the longitude and latitudes for the area you want and use them in mapbuilder.
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I, for one, vote on not using Map Builder. It skews the terrain a lot. Personally, I tried it, but I prefer to use real dem's and microdem nowadays.

If you already used heightmaps before, you should be pretty able to do it, Lalla. Here's a step-by-step:

1. load the dem into Microdem (prior to loading it go to options->map size and make it 2048x2048)
2. change elevation, make it a grayscale and have a set maximum and minimum height (it's fundamental if you want to merge more than one dem for your game map)
3. save as geotiff
4. load onto paint shop pro
5. crop the part of the map that you want / or merge more than one map (whatever is needed)
6. save as targa format, uncompressed

Have a go at it, really, I'll be here to help you out.
Also, have a look at viewtopic.php?f=65&t=2891

Cheers from a EU citizen also ashamed of his prime-minister (not nearly as much as if Berlusconi was in charge over here, but..)
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