SD County CA map

Ins and Outs of Creating the Map
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SD County CA map Unread post

I'd like to share this today, but I've two problems stopping me, one is Vista hiding the map file so I can't see it even though I know exactly where it is. Two is the SmartFTP company is trying to pull a fast one on me and get me to accept yearly fees to use their software when even their website says that once you pay the fee you have it for life. I'm e-mailing them but BUYER BEWARE. ... ycarr3.jpg

So unfortunately, that's all I can show.

Since then I've added Legoland, I've worked out some of the bumps and rough spots where rails would have trouble going through. It thought I had too many cities until I loaded it under scenarios and flew though the area. Some of the cities like La Jolla, Del Mar etc. will generate no industries whatsoever. I've manually planted retail and commercial there though. I've divided up the industries fairly evenly so it's pretty much ready for beta u_U;;;;;;;
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Re: SD County CA map Unread post

It looks like a really nice map. I have to admit that I tend be less interested in the map making aspects as I am in the scenario developing aspects. I also like making new stuff, but I tend to find maps a chore to make. Probably has to do with my computer being so slow.

I should say that you should indicate at all times if your are doing a 1.06 map. I do see that you are using Vista which suggests that you don't have 1.06 installed, but just in case since a number of users can't play those maps.
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Re: SD County CA map Unread post

Well the good news with my Vista issues is that I can now get to my map.

Well not that one unfortunately, though I can still see it.

With some fresh ideas on how to make heigh maps, I jumped back in.

Should have it done in a few days.

If I get it populated would you care to take a shot at making a scenario or two for it?

And I have the original, original, base game. No coast to coast. Non modded, upgraded, nothing. Can't get more basic than this.
Aesir Rising
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Re: SD County CA map Unread post

If you want to experiment with a different FTP client - one that has all the features and the advantage of being completely free (as in speech, and also as in beer), there is:


There are others available that won't bug you about paying.
Posts: 398
Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:10 pm

Re: SD County CA map Unread post

That worked nicely.

Think I'll post this in the other room if I'm allowed since I actually have something to share now...
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